Eh. I got this app as part of one of those bundles (where 2 or 3 apps make the whole bundle worthwhile and the rest are filler). As I recall, it wouldn't even start up without crashing. Not too impressed.
We used to rip DVDs with RipIt or MacTheRipper, store them on the Mac mini's external hard drive, and play them in the family room using Front Row on the MacBook (accessing via a shared network folder). Worked pretty well, and I even had my universal remote learn the Apple remote codes. But it was still a major pain to have to hook up the MacBook, connect to the shared folder, etc, each time we wanted to do this. Too much forethought and coordination required...
A few months ago we got a TiVo to replace the crappy cable-company DVR, and it's been more than we ever anticipated. Not only is the TiVo a far superior DVR, but it's also perfect for watching our own DVDs. Front Row on the MacBook is no longer necessary - instead of ripping to VIDEO_TS folders, I now just extract the main title as an MPEG-2 stream, which the TiVo understands (no transcoding necessary). I use pyTivoX to serve all the ripped DVD content to the TiVo, so basically the TiVo sees my Mac mini as another TiVo on the network, and can transfer "shows" (ripped DVDs) just like it does with other real TiVos.
Now we can access all of our recorded TV shows plus the DVDs we own, all from the same menu system on the same device. Fast and very convenient. Honestly, this is what AppleTV should be. I don't see us going back to an Apple-only solution unless they come out with something that can do everything we now have with the TiVo. They have the talent, but do they have the desire to do it?
instead of ripping to VIDEO_TS folders, I now just extract the main title as an MPEG-2 stream
Thanks so much for that link! It sounds like exactly what I have been searching for. I have my library ripped into VIDEO_TS folders via RipIt and prefer to keep them that way for the menus and original quality. But while Front Row plays them flawlessly, most other media players (including Plex, Boxee, and XBMC) unfortunately all have some major problems with VIDEO_TS, assuming that you will be re-encoding into something else. Can MultiPlex launch itself onto a secondary screen by default? Plex and Boxee have a configuration option, but Front Row has to be "tricked" into this.
Do you find that Tivo to Tivo transfers are slow? Do you use wireless or wired? I wish it could stream instead - that would be ideal.
I tried it out and it looks like a nice start, but it has a long way to go before it is useable as a media center for the tv. For example, no Apple Remote support, no categories/genres, no 2nd screen setting, etc, etc, etc. I'll keep an eye on it, but IMHO it is worth nowhere near the $35 they ask at this point.Thanks so much for that link! It sounds like exactly what I have been searching for. I have my library ripped into VIDEO_TS folders via RipIt and prefer to keep them that way for the menus and original quality. But while Front Row plays them flawlessly, most other media players (including Plex, Boxee, and XBMC) unfortunately all have some major problems with VIDEO_TS, assuming that you will be re-encoding into something else. Can MultiPlex launch itself onto a secondary screen by default? Plex and Boxee have a configuration option, but Front Row has to be "tricked" into this.
...and if it hid the dvd player, and if it opened onto the 2nd window, and if you could mass-select dvd's to be added and id'd/scanned, and...I've been using MultiPlex for a few days. No crashes, yet.Works nicely with Ripit. I wonder why....
App needs a lot more work but it's pretty easy to use. Integrates well with Mac DVD Player too. It would be nice if it supports Apple remote control.
TiVo transfers buffer up pretty quickly, you can start watching in 20-40 seconds. It does stream as well, beta function right now as well. See mt post above regarding some sound issues though.