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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 29, 2003
First of all, I am not a Mac user (yet that is). But I am keenly eyeing on a 15" PB. The reason: I am totally and utterly fed up with the numerous flaws of my present P4-based laptop. But more of that some other time perhaps...

So my question is: is there a free/relatively cheap Fortran 90/95 compiler for OS-X? I know about the AbSoft one (heard that it's pretty good, but it's horribly expensive for my budget), and the NAGWare one (they don't seem to put the price on their webpage for some reason). The free alternative is the GNU-compiler, which doesn't do f90, only f77 so that doesn't do any good. Apparently there's also the XLF compiler from IBM, but dunno if that works on other cpus than the G5, and from what I know this one also very expensive for the AIX-based IBM supercomputers using the PPC970. So anyone got any better info?

At the moment I am hesitating about chucking my P4 and getting a PB, mostly because I definetely need an f90 compiler for my work. Well, probably this won't stop me from buying a PB anyway but it would speed up my decision considerably if I knew that I didn't have to spend an extra 700 euros or so (the same or a bit more in US currency) for a compiler...
I just checked DevDepot and they only list two versions of the Absoft compilers. The latest includes C and C++ compilers. That makes me believe that the FORTRAN compiler is merely a translator to C, but perhaps it's just my cynicism.

There was one other compiler on Macintosh but I haven't seen that for years.

It would be great if the XLF compiler worked on G4s, but IBM isn't telling outright. I suppose you could download it and see.
According to what it said on VersionTracker, the IBM compiler does work on G3 and G4, as well as G5 machines.

Apparently, 77, 85, and 90-compliant code is acceptable to the compiler too. :)
The IBM XLFortran Mac OS X beta works very well after you figure out how to use it. I have personally used 90 and it is also usable for 77 and 95. But, after it goes to final versions you would have to pay for it. I have used it a few times already and it has performed very well on my iMac 1gHz.

I have it working in 10.2.8 but I have been unable to get it working in any Panther betas yet. Has anyone successfully run the IBM Fortran compilers in Panther yet?
Thanks for the info everybody. I also noticed the reports on the versiontracker page on the XLF-compiler on compatibility on cpus other than G5.

This is actually the same compiler which is installed on the AIX-based IBM pSeries machine I mainly use for my work... so a PB + XLF would be a perfect testbed for my code. Now I just have to conjure up about 3k euros from somewhere...
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