Fortran Programming on Mac
Well, I've downloaded Xcode from Apple (Version 2.4.1, as appropriate for my version of OS X), and I've downloaded g95 via Lee1210's link. More help is needed. Specifics are typed in upper case below.
Regarding the latter, double clicking on the downloaded .tgz file resulted in a folder entitled "g95-Install" within which there were four items: (1) "G95Manual.pdf", (2) Folder "bin" containing "powerpc-apple-darwin6.8-g95", (3) Folder "lib" containing 8 files (e.g., "cc1", "crt2.0", "f951", etc.) none of which can be opened directly, and (4) a TextEdit file "Read_Install".
The "Read_Install" file gives two instructions for installing g95:
(1) Unpack the downloaded tarball (e.g., g95-x86-linux.tgz) in a directory of choice: tar -zxvf g95-x86-linux.tgz. DID MY DOUBLE CLICK ACCOMPLISH THE TARBALL UNPACK, OR DO I NEED TO ENTER THIS INSTRUCTION SOMEWHERE ELSE? IF SO, WHERE DO I ENTER THE INSTRUCTION and IS THE INSTRUCTION LITERALLY CORRECT?
(2) You can create another symbolic link from a directory in your $PATH (e.g., ~/bin) to the executable: ln -s $PWD/g95-install/bin/*g95* ~/bin/g95. Sorry for being totally unfamiliar with the terminology but I have no idea of what "a directory in my $PATH" means. IS THE "SYMBOLIC LINK" JUST AN ICON ON MY DESKTOP (OR ELSEWHERE)? ANY HELP HERE WOULD BE APPRECIATED. DO I EVEN NEED TO DO THIS STEP?
Following these 2 instructions is the statement: "You should now be able to run g95 and create executables". This is my goal. Sounds simple, assuming I can get through (1) and (2) above.
Finally, thanks to all who added to this thread. I think I'm generally ok with the Xcode and g95 downloadeds. Compilation and run time test info is good, but execution time is not as high a priority (for now) as getting computational results to engineering problems that Fortran is good at: high numbers in iterations, logic controls, subroutine sub-prograsms, etc. Again thanks to all. I await more on this. ....Ron