Having read almost any blog posts I can get about the iPad, I decided to go to the video realm. Ironically, I searched for iPad news on hulu.com. I saw this video pop up when I sorted the results by recently added.
It's entitled "iPad Test 2" and its a brief clip from a news story on hoarders. I'm guessing they use user-agent strings for iPad detection because in Chrome I'm served up the flash version, which I know because I have flash blocker installed.
Here's the link. I didn't see where this had been previously reported for ABC.
It's entitled "iPad Test 2" and its a brief clip from a news story on hoarders. I'm guessing they use user-agent strings for iPad detection because in Chrome I'm served up the flash version, which I know because I have flash blocker installed.
Here's the link. I didn't see where this had been previously reported for ABC.