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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 5, 2005
Just one shot. I like this one because of the repeating motifs of medium sized rocks against the water and jagged BIG rocks against the sky.

From a collection of images from Patagonia



macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Wow what a beautiful shot. It's kind of dark on my monitor, does it look light on yours? Just curious.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 5, 2005
It looks about right -- but then again it's brand new and ridiculously bright!

By the way someone sent me the following question:

Your images look really nice. Can you give me a summary of your work flow?

So if you are likewise interested...

1. spend way too much money on photo equipment given your income
2. travel to an exciting place
3. do your best to take good photos
4. import in to Aperture (this is now, back in the day it all went into iPhoto)
5. Do some minor PS touchups including levels and sharpening after resizing for web
6. Complain about not having enough time to do more photography and/or selling of your photographs so that you could offset #1
7 Repeat
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