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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 31, 2006
Looks bad to me..

"Before BID ON IT please email me at:"

Whatever. Why are you eBaying it if I can't bid on it thru eBay?

I'd say skip it.
ok, here is what they did:

they phished someones ebay account, and created a auction with that. but they want you to email directly because if you email via ebay the original ebayer will get th email (you cant change your email in ebay for this reason).

so what happens if you reply: they will have you make some deal outside of ebay. probably have you pay for the product before they can "verify the shipment".

You will definitely end up with alot less money.

How to recognize these:
* Money has to go to nigeria
* Never payment via paypal
* Strange conditions

How to be sure:
Ask some specification. Most of the time they dont even own the product so they make up rubbish specifications.
Absolutely a hacked account...the seller's previous auctions were in Australian currency and for sports cards and toy soldiers.

And now all of a sudden they list 141 items of electronics equipment in the wrong category priced in US currency within just a few minutes and asking to contact them outside of eBay before bidding? Right. :rolleyes:
im an extemely experienced ebayer and this is EXACTLY what they do. funny enough they have even more ingenius scemes for sellers
fake Mac power cords (iBook, Powerbook) from CST

CST (or, Computer Solutions Technology) sells fake Apple merchandise. Don't ever buy their products on their ebay store, not any online retailer that seems a little sketchy. THey did not return my phone calls, emails, and tricked me into closing the PayPal dispute case and I never was refunded for the functional but half-assed iBook charge cord they sold me. THen they left retaliatory negative feedback after I gave them a bad score, rather justly I might add.

Dont buy anything for Apple unless it comes from Apple is the moral of the story. Even if its twice the cost.
celebrian23 said:
If it looks like a terrific deal, it's probably not.

That's true, and it's certainly good advice the live by. Unfortunately, sometimes it can be hard when an item is priced below the average price but above a price than is an obvious scam. In this case it's obvious... but in others, not so much.
Thanks guys,
I pretty much figured it was a scam. I found a lot of them on eBay for the apple cinema display specifically. Everyone was requiring that you email them first. You would think eBay would pick up on this.
I've pretty much stopped using ebay for reasons like this. So many scammers and listings with really innacurate product descriptions.

To play it safe, I only buy things that can't be counterfeited easily. Pretty much it means I only buy used vinyl records with photos of the actual product (no stock photos). I don't get why people buy electronics on ebay. Sure, you are getting a great deal, but when that product gets to you there's a good chance it is broken/not even what you bought, even if it does get to you. Same goes with jewelry.
i have a friend who found a page for an amp on ebay very similar to that one and it ended up being a scam. don't do it.
I completely agree about not buying anything if it's actually a scam. But if you do happen to get suckered into something like that, and you happen to pay through paypal, doesn't ebay/paypal cover you up to $1,000? Anyone had any experience with that?
eidrunner247 said:
I completely agree about not buying anything if it's actually a scam. But if you do happen to get suckered into something like that, and you happen to pay through paypal, doesn't ebay/paypal cover you up to $1,000? Anyone had any experience with that?

Mistake number one - assuming you are protected without reading the fine print:
The Buyer Protection is only in effect for certain sellers who meet stringent qualifications and display the Buyer Protection symbol.

EBay buyer protection is limited to the purchase price or $200, whichever is lower, less a $25 fee. So effectively $175 or less.

Don't try to out-scam the scammer - you will lose.

Got that, kids?
Every, and I mean EVERY legitimate seller can be contacted through the Contact a Member system within eBay, the only reason to post an AOL, Hotmail or Yahoo email address is if the account has been hijacked.
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