Oh we understand the question and also that you dont want to pay

So to answer your question no, there is no free alternative that would accomplish the same as 3Gunrestrictor.
Voipover3G is free but has the following limitations
◦It is configured to only trick Fring and Skype in the default configuration.
◦You cannot add new apps easily - You have to edit config files, which is too complicated for most users.
◦It doesnt work with the AppStore and iTunes Store - You wont be able to download applications and podcasts bigger than 10MB.
◦It doesnt work with YouTube, you wont be able to watch videos in the same high quality as on WiFi
3G unrestrictors features:
◦An easy to use configuration app - Add whatever apps you want and unrestrict them from their chains!
◦Works with the AppStore and iTunes Store
◦Works with YouTube and lets you watch movies in high quality
Applications verified to work:
◦iTunes Store
Applications verified not to work:
◦MLB At Bat 2009
I tried getting this to work, but it uses Apple's new streaming technology that checks how much badwidth is available and then chooses the stream. I didnt find a way to change that behaviour. A later version of 3G Unrestrictor might make it possible. I might find a solution sometime later.
◦BBC iPlayer
I tried to get it to work too, but it seems that the iPlayer uses a system that detects whether an IP-Address belongs to a mobile internet provider and then blocks it if the mobile, iPhone version of the iPlayer is used. This is possible, because the iPlayer uses the service of a company at which every internet provider has to register it's IP-Ranges. Since the check whether a mobile internet connection is used is made on the iPlayer side and not on the iPhone's side in the Safari app, I cannot unrestrict that.
Answered your question in detail or what?