It won't hurt anything to have one. You probably don't need it for yourself. At the very least windows malware won't be passed along to people you know who use windows via email . Try Avast.Hi all
What is the best free anti virus for macbook pro ?
OS X Gatekeeper, it comes with the OS:Hi all
What is the best free anti virus for macbook pro ?
Thank won't hurt anything to have one. ...Try Avast.
I recently switched from Windows myself and can appreciate a reasoned factual argument. I especially like the info on Gatekeeper. Thank you.OS X Gatekeeper, it comes with the OS:
Or it could hurt a lot to have one.
Must be coming from Windows.
There are other pages in there concerning Mac OS that should be looked at.reminds me why iworm botnet was running infecting thousends of macs. and it was years ago when macos wasnt even targeted os.
Page 14 for the future of macos and security
I went to sleep last night thinking about this. Again thank you for the Gatekeeper info link. Piniform the maker of CCCleaner is not Avast. The parent anti-malware company (Avast )itself was never compromised. CCCleaner is more of a OS maintenance program than it is anti malware and was only recently acquired by Avast. And it was Avast that helped out Piniform. So I stand by the premise that it doesn't hurt to have an Anti malware program on the computer. Free doesn't = bad. It just means a reduced feature set. As I for one don't need a password manager for instance. I also want to make sure that Im not sitting smugly behind a Maginot Line.OS X Gatekeeper, it comes with the OS:
Or it could hurt a lot to have one.
Here's a bit more to think about:I went to sleep last night thinking about this.
I wouldn't get hung up on the word virus. Malware would be a better fits it encompasses a variety things such as but not limited to trojans and ransomeware, and there is stuff lurking out there for the Mac OS.Unnecessary resources spent.
The problem with anti virus software for a Mac is there is no know Virus for MacOS, so what exactly is it looking for?
Is your school or employer requiring one?Hi all
What is the best free anti virus for macbook pro ?
Is your school or employer requiring one ?
Macs are not immune to malware and no system is 100% secure, but no true viruses exist in the wild that can run on macOS, and there never have been any since it was released over 17 years ago. The only true malware in the wild that can affect your Mac is a handful of trojans, which can be easily avoided by being careful about what apps you install (no pirated software). 3rd party antivirus apps are not necessary to keep a Mac malware-free, as long as a user practices safe computing. In addition, some antivirus apps have themselves been used to introduce malware to Macs. In general, macOS malware is so relatively rare, that only a very small percentage of Mac users have ever encountered any.Hi all
What is the best free anti virus for macbook pro ?
Apple needs to better vet theApps in the Apple store. By now everyone is probably familiar with what's going on wit Adware Doctor.
Apple needs to better vet theApps in the Apple store. By now everyone is probably familiar with what's going on wit Adware Doctor.