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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 9, 2009
Varkaus, Finland
Hello All,

I've made a new game for iPhones / iPod touches that is called Tap-a-Sub!
It is a quite addicting (even if I say it myself ;) ) side scrolling mine evading game with a twist. You can control the sub by pushing up / down arrow to evade the mines. You need to keep an eye on the air gauge though. If the air depletes to zero the game is over. To get more air you need to surface the submarine frequently.
Coin can be collected while playing and the collected coins can be used to buy updates for your submarine.

Please try out and if you like the game write a review to App store.
Game works also on iPads.

A link:

This is NOT another Flappy bird copy :)
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New update 1.1.1 up with a couple of fixes. Now the air filling is more ... challenging ;) and is actually working as intended.
This is cool!

I tried this out and I like it! It's fun! I recommend!

Please try my new FREE game too; Triangles2 and let me know what you think!

Thank you!

New update 1.1.1 up with a couple of fixes. Now the air filling is more ... challenging ;) and is actually working as intended.

I've gotten reports that the game is very slow on iPhone 4s. This might be true since the optimization has been done for later models and focus is on iPhone 5s -> I will see if there is something I can do about this. Since the programming has been done with Swift / Spritekit it might be out of my hands to do anything though.

I've also gotten reports that the game is running upside down on some iPads and iPhone 5's. Could someone please confirm if this is happening all the time or is just random?
[FREE GAME] Tap-a-Sub! New sidescrolling game with a twist

Version 1.2 is up with some improved graphics and torpedos! Who wouldn't want to blast some mines getting on the way? Go on, grab it and start blasting! :)
And 1.2.1 is up! Including but not limited to:
- Difficulty ramps up once your score gets bigger. Beware the moving mines!
- Sub-a-shop! icon changed. Now getting to the store should be quite easy.
- Glowing coins
- More torpedos. Buy up to 25 torpedos and blast your way through the mines!

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