Just released Hooks an app that will send you a notification when Lakers wins Hornets, new iPhone is announced, new post on MacRumors gets X comment and 1M+ things to choose from, watch it in action:vimeo.com/120492700
Download link please?
For some reason hooks does not show in my notification center. The only notification I see is the badge number on the app itself.
Am I missing a setting somewhere?
Ok. So if i open the app first they wont' be in the notification center?
And how about having the notifications show on my apple watch?
That's not happening either? Do I have to install the app on the watch to get notifications?
Great thanks.
one more (hopefully last question). Do i have to enable notifications to "show on lock screen" on my iphone for the notifications to show on my apple watch?
I just found by changing settings that you do have to allow hooks to show notifications on the iphone lock screen to be able to have notifications show on the apple watch. If you don't allow it to show notifications on the lock screen there is not an option in the apple watch app on the phone to allow hooks to show notifications.
Somehow apple has tied lock screen notifications in with apple watch notifications.