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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 6, 2006
just got macbook!, realy excited i got RAM [2gb] for it on newegg, since ill be using photoshop all day, the thing is expected to ship tomorrow, but the printer and ipod shipped alredy. I was printing the rebates today and i read on the fine print that you need to submit original UPC's and all that stuff with the cardboard box thing attached, i cant do that for both since i only got one computer! id like to know if any of you have alredy gone thru this process and what to do in this case :S thanks!
ivnds said:
just got macbook!, realy excited i got RAM [2gb] for it on newegg, since ill be using photoshop all day, the thing is expected to ship tomorrow, but the printer and ipod shipped alredy. I was printing the rebates today and i read on the fine print that you need to submit original UPC's and all that stuff with the cardboard box thing attached, i cant do that for both since i only got one computer! id like to know if any of you have alredy gone thru this process and what to do in this case :S thanks!

Yes, you can do both. My girlfriend did both last year. For the printer rebate just send in a COPY and make sure you note on the copy that the original was sent in to the iPod rebate. My girlfriend got both rebates back, so it was not a problem. I will be doing the same hopefully if the iMacs get some kind of update before it runs out. Also, on the free iPod page, it promotes that you get both for free :)
ivnds said:
Wow! thanks a lot! i kinda got scared on that one :D

So i send the copies towardsthe printer rebates right?

Yes, that is what my girlfriend did. If you do not want to take a risk, just call apple, they will let you know. Like I said, go to the free iPod website, and on the bottom is advertises "Free Printer Too."
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