Get over yourself, how does this application revere or make light of the deaths you reference? It doesn't. It's an artwork application.
That being said, the name could probably be a bit more tactfully chosen, like iSickle or iBolshevik.
I think it's a stretch to be offended here.
Not that it matters, because a dictator killing people is bad no matter what number you assign to it, but really, get your facts straight, no where *near* 20-30 million. Soviet archives put it at 700k with about 3.3 million deported. Even those experts that say those numbers are conservative say it is double that at best.
Horrible, horrible things no matter the number, but you pull a Stalin on your own credibility when you miss the numbers by an entire order of magnitude and fly off the handle because some schmuck picked his app name on shock factor and isn't really trying to offend/insinuate that Stalin was a good guy.
Joke application? So funny! Stalin killed what? 20 million people? 30? High-larious!
Maybe you can make a paid version and up the level of deaths and celebrate Mao. Maybe Hitler. Millions of dead peopleso funny!
But as a comment directly to the developer, you are probably doing yourself a disservice (assuming you'd like people to use your app) by naming it something like i<Insert name of any dictator here>.
While it doesn't offend me and a great deal other people, there are probably a whole lot of people who it doesn't rub the right way at some level. To not use the app and get offended smacks of hyper sensitivity to me, but it WILL happen. I'm not thrilled about the name and don't see how it makes sense, but I'm not offended and won't refuse to the app b/c of it...but many will I think.
I think you can get your name and brand across with something that won't offend the iHyperSensitives (TM) out iComrade, or iMcCarthyism Generator...or something like that. iStalin is kinda bad, and historically anachronistic in these sense he was pre-cold war (and many people associate CCCP imagery with a later time period).
Joke application? So funny! Stalin killed what? 20 million people? 30? High-larious!
Maybe you can make a paid version and up the level of deaths and celebrate Mao. Maybe Hitler. Millions of dead peopleso funny!