A free iPhone application that launched Tuesday allows users to instant message with the service of their choice -- AIM, ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk and so on.
In addition to chat capabilities, Palringo, available through the App Store, allows you to snap photos and send them to your friends. Don't get too excited: This isn't true multimedia messaging; rather, it snaps a photo and sends a link containing the image, so your buddies will need a browser to view it.
Regardless, Palringo is the true, multiservice IM application iPhone users were asking for after they were underwhelmed by the free AIM application, which only allowed users to chat with one service.
From my testing, the application freezes my iPhone every now and then, but practically all my downloaded apps are doing that anyway. We'll just have to hope the next firmware update will seal the cracks.
The company said it expects to add vocal IMing to the application soon. I can't see that becoming too popular (since you'd probably just place a phone call if you wanted to talk to someone), but we'll just have to wait and see ...