Test Free version of The FLORIST.
Design unique flower images on the iPhone and send them to your friends.
See reviews of premium version:
*** Application iPhone:quality/price 5 out of 5 ***
***The iPhonefootprint: iFlorist gets you expressing your emotions with flowers on the iPhone,4 of 5 stars ***
***The iPhone Application List: Clear recommendation***
***Cool iPhone App: You will love and enjoy it's beauty, ease of use and flexibility***
*************: The iPhone Florist is a well done app that lets you be a little creative***
***AppStruck: iFlorist has much to offer, and has proven to be quite efficient, easily operated, and enjoyable***
Click to get it FLORIST
Design unique flower images on the iPhone and send them to your friends.
See reviews of premium version:
*** Application iPhone:quality/price 5 out of 5 ***
***The iPhonefootprint: iFlorist gets you expressing your emotions with flowers on the iPhone,4 of 5 stars ***
***The iPhone Application List: Clear recommendation***
***Cool iPhone App: You will love and enjoy it's beauty, ease of use and flexibility***
*************: The iPhone Florist is a well done app that lets you be a little creative***
***AppStruck: iFlorist has much to offer, and has proven to be quite efficient, easily operated, and enjoyable***
Click to get it FLORIST