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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 3, 2021
There has been discussions regarding retaining support for 32-bit platforms, including PowerPC (G4), in FreeBSD upstream.

It may be helpful to respond in this ticket, if anyone considers FreeBSD useful or intends to use it on PowerPC Macs:

So that upstream can evaluate if there is an active interest from users’ side. other architectures sticky post.
Read all of the tutorial.
I am currently homeless and have iMac G5s at a friend's place. When I have a room for the equipment, the next part will be set up with packages. I have recently come across proper package signing. RAM needs to be repurchased.
2GB limit has been removed so the GB limit no longer exists. Only with release 13 and higher.
The hfs1.boot must be dd from the cd as stated in the tutorial.
Do not go over 2499 hertz unless you patch the kernel.
There are other references for other latency resolutions in boot.cfg and sysctl.
You will need to build all packages from ports.
Refer to port builders handbook for ideas.
You will also need to edit source files for proper installation of a lot of ports.
For ppc$TYPE will need to be added to some ports.
Join the ppc mailing list and ask politely as possible.
There are fewer ppc assembly hackers than standard CISC 32/64 bit ones.
The Open Power Foundation is another source of information. Google runs ppc 32 64 machines with Freebsd for some projects. Whether or not they are willing to aid and assist you is a different story.
There are other non Mac ppc machines
There is a gun ppc proficient based laptop being designed.
Acube systems has the ekiga based machine which have had freebsd installed on them
Openbsd and netbsd should be done on dedicated machines.
Openbsd needs to have at least an 800mhz CPU and 1gb memory for functioning without lag
Do not even attempt to ask the openbsd mailing list anything if you do not exactly follow what is written in the manual. You have been expressly warned for your own safety
Netbsd is a learn on your own system . Read everything.
There are older versions of Ubuntu ppc CDs that you can use for partitioning
Finding them may be difficult.
Redhat fedora has ppc support. This also may aid and assist you.
Boot from cd to boot from disk is an open firmware variable
Grub3 will boot the machine with Debian. Inquire on their mailing lists about using it with Freebsd
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