Stupid decisions with the interface. Things that don't work -- for example, in FH10 (and many versions beforehand), you could always select a whole slew of shapes, GROUP 'em, then Fill and Stroke everything all at once. WHOA, said Macroidiots, that's too damn easy! So now when you have a group, you can't globally Fill and Stroke. You have to Ungroup and then individually affect each item. Totally retarded thinking. IT WASN'T BROKEN!
(sorry to shout)...
Anyhoo, I've gotta run for now, but I'll say this: If you've used Freehand 10 (or previous versions) and you give MX a whirl, I think you'll find many odd behaviors very quickly.
And, for what it's worth, I've been using/supporting/buying Freehand for several years....
So Boo-Hoo-Hoo. I just hope they get off their asses and fix the app'.