AVOID Elance.com like the plague.
I am currently a member of the site BUT will be walking due to a recent business decision. They recently changed their membership structure to a system that is angering a lot of their loyal service freelancers. Many of them are fed up with the site and here's why:
For my current membership, I pay $149US a year. For that price I get 80 bids per month (basically I can bid on 80 projects). For those unfamiliar with how it works, companies or people looking for freelancers to do work post jobs. As a provider, you bid on a job. In addition to the membership fee, Elance takes an 8.75% commission.
As of December 4th, they're changing their structure. Now, my membership fee will cost me $389 per year - an increase of 260% (if my math is right).
But wait. It gets worse. Now, instead of 80 bids, I'll get 25 connects (a connect is the same as a bid). Currently, one project sets you back one bid. Now, some projects will require multiple connects, meaning you'll have to shell out EVEN MORE cash for some projects.
They say their new system will increase the quality of service providers and buyers on the site. Unfortunately, most of the great service providers are walking.
I don't belong to the graphic design category. I am a writer and that category is being hit the hardest. However, there are also some very angry designers on the site.
If you are thinking of joining Elance, read their Water Cooler section first (their public forum). Guru.com will give you a much bigger bang for your buck and you'll find the same caliber of buyers on the site (including some that post on both sites).
Stay away from Elance.
Hope this helps.