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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 1, 2020
I have a 2011 macbook pro, that has worked totally fine until a few nights ago while watching a video it froze, after about 20 seconds it restarted to a white screen saying "restarted because of an error" in several languages. It seemed ok, but I panicked, saved a few things, and shut it down again. I took that as a sign to buy a new one, but it says Im not likely to receive it until the end of January. I'm super paranoid so I normally wouldn't open my computer again until I had the new one to transfer everything over onto, but I can't go two months without working on anything. I've seen lots of people saying they have this reset problem consistently which becomes a problem, but is it happening once reason to panic? I'm for sure getting a new one, this one is a relic, I'm really just wondering how common/severe a problem this freeze-reset-whitescreen might be, should I continue to use it (ill likely just be working in microsoftword) or is a single freeze/reset enough of a warning sign that i should keep it shut down until my new laptop comes?

PS i know this is a super general question, if it starts resetting consistently I'll be shutting it down and waiting, but i have a tendency to be paranoid so im just wondering if I'm over reacting? thanks so much in advance if anyone takes the time :)

((Sidenote does it really take two months to deliver from the apple store? Or are they just highballing it?))


macrumors regular
Aug 31, 2006
Dallas, Tx
Have you tried a clean install of the OS and a restore from Time Machine? I do those about once a year just to keep everything snappy (apple makes it easy, whereas it's a PITA with windows and more of a chore). Also the old command + option + p + r at the boot chime (keep holding until you've heard it chime 3x) often fixes a number of things. Another thing...if you've got a 2011 model, High Sierra is probably the sweet spot for OS version (even if it supports Mojave)

Mike Boreham

macrumors 68040
Aug 10, 2006
I think you are over reacting a bit. Main thing is to make sure your backups are being kept up to date and sound and use the computer again. If it happens regularly then I suggest coming back here for more help. Having confidence in good backups is a huge peace of mind factor!

No it doesn't take two months to get a new computer from Apple. Common models in UK and US and many countries are often next day, but you don't say which country you are in or what model you are buying.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 1, 2020
I think you are over reacting a bit. Main thing is to make sure your backups are being kept up to date and sound and use the computer again. If it happens regularly then I suggest coming back here for more help. Having confidence in good backups is a huge peace of mind factor!

No it doesn't take two months to get a new computer from Apple. Common models in UK and US and many countries are often next day, but you don't say which country you are in or what model you are buying.
Awesome thank you so much, figured I probably was lol. I'm in Canada, and I'm getting the newest MacBook pro 13 inch, but I'm getting it with the highest amount of storage so that might be why it says such a delay? I was thinking like a week or something so when I saw two months it knocked me on my butt haha, ill be really happy if it comes sooner


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 1, 2020
Have you tried a clean install of the OS and a restore from Time Machine? I do those about once a year just to keep everything snappy (apple makes it easy, whereas it's a PITA with windows and more of a chore). Also the old command + option + p + r at the boot chime (keep holding until you've heard it chime 3x) often fixes a number of things. Another thing...if you've got a 2011 model, High Sierra is probably the sweet spot for OS version (even if it supports Mojave)
Yeah I think high Sierra is where its at. I actually don't use the time machine, had a huge problem with it on my first macbook and it made me avoid it ever since, I just back everything up on ssd's lol. This ones deff too ancient to bother with all that now, but I'll have to start doing it once I get my new one, thanks so much :)


macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2014
Depends on where you live and desired specs. In Toronto it takes one-two weeks (256GB,512GB) to be delivered or next day pick-up. Maximum specs = reason for delay.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 1, 2020
Depends on where you live and desired specs. In Toronto it takes one-two weeks (256GB,512GB) to be delivered or next day pick-up. Maximum specs = reason for delay.
Lame. Yeah I live in nova scotia and there's no pick up option available. If I get say 2tb instead of 4 u think it would cut down on the wait any or is it just any customization that makes it take so long? I need the loaded space, It actually blows my mind that their standard models have so little, this 2011 one has 800gb and I got it from a best buy. And she's over flowing onto three harddrives so I figured I might as well blow the money on the tb's lol. I have throwaway thumbdrives with more space than what I'm paying 750 extra dollars for, it seems crazy lol
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