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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 15, 2014
Chartres, France
I guess this is a mainly English forum, but I think this might be worth talking about.
Free, a French ISP just announced their new Freebox Ultra, a 50€ a month (for a year, then 60€) option with the following:
The router part:
Qualcomm Networking Pro 820 chip
8Gbit/s up - 8Gbit/s down
2 SPF 10G ports (One in for plugging in the Fiber, and the other for using it with a Switch or another router)
4 2.5G Ethernet ports
WiFi 7
NVMe slot in the router to be used as a NAS

Including WiFi 7 mesh repeater

And the TV part, a 4K player:
280 TV channel including Canal (basically French cable TV)
Every match of the League 1 Uber Eats
Oqee Ciné (500 movies and TV shows)
Amazon Prime (Prime, Prime Video, Prime Music and Prime Gaming)

And I believe you can also choose to replace the Free TV player by an Apple TV 4K with the TV app (or at least you could with the old Freebox Delta)

+ Pocket WiFi hotspot access point

All of that for 50 bucks a month, and you can also get up to 4 unlimited mobile plan for 9€ a month (really unlimited, not capped, one of my friend already downloaded 2TB in a month with his unlimited Free Mobile plan, the speed didn't slowed down and he did not get charged for what he used beside the 9 bucks a month)

They talked about all the service they included, it cost 84€ a month + about 58€ a month for equivalent Fiber option by the competition, so 142€/month, but you get all of that for 50€/month.

And you can also get the Essential version without all the streaming option for 40€/month.
They said that the only option in the world that offer symmetrical 8Gbit/s up/8Gbit/s down is Google Fiber in the US for 150$ a month in selected areas.

I have to say that I'm kinda blown away. I wonder how they managed to even be sustainable, but since they're there since the beginning of the 2000 I guess they are.

Internet service provider might not be the most exciting thing to talk about, but I swear, for those who can understand French, just look at their keynote, they give a big Apple vibes in the Steve Jobs era.
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