I turned off iCloud and turned back on. So we'll see. I do get parking notifications. But there's a fat chance I'm going to do a clean install. I hate resetting everything up just the way I have it. I just can't believe it works on my other iPhones and iPad. Unreal.
Turning iCloud off and on didn't work for me. Neither did a clean install.
It's only since complaining to apple that something has been done. But they did say that I would have had to do a clean install anyway as a troubleshooting step.
It was explained to me that if you keep restoring from a backup each time you get a new phone that it can on rare occasions cause an issue like mine. But they are rare, although reading on here and google there are some with the same problem.
The guy gave me a quick earlier to say it should now be fixed and that the issue was to do with the restores causing a problem with my iCloud. I must have had something corrupted at some point and when I restored the backup from my 6 plus to my 7 Plus it brought the corruption with it.
Now that it's working I have bit the bullet and deleted all backups of my phone and currently doing one now. Hopefully nothing else goes awry.
I did offer that backups should be compartmentalised so like now I could restore all my health and workout data from the last 2yrs. Rather than lose it like I have done.