I have a 2009 cMP, flashed to 5,1 with Hex CPU. Recently I've noticed the power LED on the front always stays lit, even when shutdown. I've reset the SMC and diagnostic LED's are green. I'm in a european country using 240V. My temps seem to be OK, though recently I noticed the CPU went up to 70C at idle. Could've been an mds process running, haven't noticed a problem since. Any ideas what would cause this?
Also, I recently took my fans out to clean and I had an issue with the rear fan socket on the MoBo. The plastic piece which the fan cable plugs into is loose and can prevent from making connection. I had to push it up to get the fan to work, but I think it keeps sliding down. What can I do to fix that?
EDIT: When it is shutdown and the power light is ON, if I take the CPU tray out the light turns OFF. Very weird.
Also, I recently took my fans out to clean and I had an issue with the rear fan socket on the MoBo. The plastic piece which the fan cable plugs into is loose and can prevent from making connection. I had to push it up to get the fan to work, but I think it keeps sliding down. What can I do to fix that?
EDIT: When it is shutdown and the power light is ON, if I take the CPU tray out the light turns OFF. Very weird.
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