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Original poster
Aug 28, 2006
My Mac has frozen whilst trying to empty the trash. I can't force quit it either. It won't let me log out or shutdown.What should I do?

Also my wife is set up as 2nd user. she logged on to check her emails today but Safari wasn't working although she had connected to broaband. Then when trying to sort it out safari was taken off the Dock. How can we get Safari back on the ock and working again? said:
My Mac has frozen whilst trying to empty the trash. I can't force quit it either. It won't let me log out or shutdown.What should I do?

Also my wife is set up as 2nd user. she logged on to check her emails today but Safari wasn't working although she had connected to broaband. Then when trying to sort it out safari was taken off the Dock. How can we get Safari back on the ock and working again?

First question: I do not like to do this, but sometimes you are left with no other choice. I would hold down the on/off button until the computer shuts off, wait for a moment and turn your computer on. You will no longer be frozen.

Second question: Go to Finder and search the Application folder for Safari or use Spotlight. Once you find Safari, simply drag it to the dock. You should be ready to go.
Cheers. Sorted the freeze problem. But can not find Safari anywhere on my wifes sign in. It seems to have vanished completely. How can re-install without internet access? I fear it may be like trying to square the circle. said:
Cheers. Sorted the freeze problem. But can not find Safari anywhere on my wifes sign in. It seems to have vanished completely. How can re-install without internet access? I fear it may be like trying to square the circle.

Did you use spotlight? Try finding it using YOUR sign-in and then drag it to the dock. This might sound silly, but make sure it did not somehow end up in the trash. Let me know what happens.
Okay. But I didn't think it would appear on my wifes dock by merely adding another one to mine. is that wot u mean? said:
Okay. But I didn't think it would appear on my wifes dock by merely adding another one to mine. is that wot u mean?

So when you are logged in as you, it is there on the dock?
No luck. Just to let you know what happened - the safari icon was moved from the dock onto the desktop by accident (yeah i know it sounds stupid) and instantly went up in a puff of smoke (literally). I'm at a loss as to what the hell has happened to it. :confused:
BTW - yes its in my dock but not hers. Nor can I find it via spotlight or accessing via applications on her sign in. said:
No luck. Just to let you know what happened - the safari icon was moved from the dock onto the desktop by accident (yeah i know it sounds stupid) and instantly went up in a puff of smoke (literally). I'm at a loss as to what the hell has happened to it. :confused:

That's normal behavior to delete the alias/shortcut from your dock--dragging the alias off your dock removes it from the dock, but does not uninstall the application. Yes the poof is normal.
Frisco said:
That's normal behavior to delete the alias/shortcut from your dock--dragging the alias off your dock removes it from the dock, but does not uninstall the application. Yes the poof is normal.

Frisco, can you assist him, he needs the application to appear on the dock when his wife is logged on.

Right now, I am working and my Apple is at home. I will not say anything else until I can 'work' the problem with my computer at home.
Okay, try this first: Download OnyX and run clear all the caches and select Repair Permissions options.
then Restart

If no luck:

Try Disk Utility

1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.

2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.

3. Click the First Aid tab.

4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.

5. Select your Mac OS X volume.

6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk.
Sounds good but I don't have the start up dosc as I bought the PC 2nd hand and it didn't come with one. I can try the Onyx but I'm obviously only going to be able to downlod and run it on my sign on aren't I? Will this work on both sign ons?

A further problem we have is that when we move the cursor over the dock on her sign on every symbol has a feint question mark behind it. We can't access any of her applications from the Applications menu. Are theese connected?
I've run Onyx but it has had no positive effect. In fact nearly all the symbols n the dock have disappeared to be replaced by a question mark. This is probably not a major problem suspect they probably just need resetting but I'm not sure how.

The main problem is there is still no Safari and no applications can be accessed. When I click on the Applictions menu we get a messge whih says the "Applications volume cannot be found".

As I said earlier as I don't have the starter CD I can't rest the PC with that. So unles there's away to get hold of a starter disc, or try another solution the oly thing I can think of is deleting my wife as a user and creating another ID for her. Can this be done and will it solve the probelm?
Creating another user account for your wife is a good idea at this point. If it fixes the problem, you know the problem was with her account. If it doesn't fix the problem then there are larger issues and a reinstall may be the best idea at this point, but like you said you don't have the discs.
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