How come I cannot view Yahoo! Sports videos using my Mac? I am so sick of not being able to view certain videos online with my Mac. Isn't Apple supposed to be a pioneer in the online digital media revolution offering the best software/hardware for viewing pictures and videos, yet, I am constantly beleaguered by issues of incompatability. For instance I have a hard time viewing videos from google, yahoo and mtv. I also do not want to mention the difficulities I came across when trying to view my .avi's when making the switch. Although, I do not spend much time viewing them and make a regular habit of it I would like the option to do so.
Can anyone else empathize with me?!? If Apple wants to increase their market share and lure Windows users they better get their act together and allow users the same functionality with a Mac versus a PC. In retrospect, this makes me reconsider switching in the first place...
Can anyone else empathize with me?!? If Apple wants to increase their market share and lure Windows users they better get their act together and allow users the same functionality with a Mac versus a PC. In retrospect, this makes me reconsider switching in the first place...