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macrumors 601
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
My marketing professor just shot down my really good ad sketch because:

Marketing Professor said:
The slogan needs to be big and bold, the most dominant part of the whole ad. It shouldn't be at the bottom, by the logo, but rather on top.

wtf :confused: I told her to show me a print ad where the company's slogan was the most dominant part of the ad and she said "just about all of them" and then moved on to something else. Later she handed out the next assignment - do a 30 second commercial in PowerPoint, the rquirements being that it is ten slides exactly 3 seconds in length. She then showed us six of the worst PowerPoint presentations I've ever seen which were completed versions of this assignment from last semester.

It's a 3 hour class and I want to kill myself.
Is the marketing prof talking about the ad slogan or the corporate motto/slogan. If we are talking about something along the lines of "think different" then it needs to be small and near the logo. If it's this main the top of this ad, then she might have a point.

Still...sounds like a horrid class. Good luck.
"4,000,007 reasons to upgrade to System 7." would be a headline.

She is definitely talking about the Slogan, in the case of your ad "The power to be your best.®"

Scary that real Marketing people think this way!
She's crazy...take in a magazine (or better yet a Graphis annual or two) and ask nicely to find examples of exactly what she means. Either she's grossly unable to communicate her concepts or she's greatly undereducated about ad design.
When I got my design degree I had to take a few required classes in communications. A lot of these people were so far removed from the world they teaching about that it ended up be a big waste of time. Most of them had zero first hand experience in advertising. Looks like nothing has changed. :rolleyes:

@ TheAnswer

Did you go to school in the OC? I'm a CSUF grad.
I think there is a mis communication about what a headline and a sub headline (what could be used as a slogan) is.

The header should catch your attention, and your company/organization's slogan should be near your branding.
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