I'm helping load content to a new web site for a nonprofit group, but I'm a newbie at this deal. The web designer asked me to find a mac ftp product...
MacWorld just did a review of 7 OS X ftp programs, incl. Fetch, SimpleFTP, Transmit, RBrowser, interarchy, FTP Client and CaptainFTP, with a recommendation for Transmit and FTP Client (maybe most strongly for Transmit).
Transmit works ok, but seems clunky. CuteFTP just came out, costs $5 less than Transmit, works easily and is... well, cute. I like Transmit's Sync function and the way it displays running text, incl. nearly every unix line command. CuteFTP seems faster, doesn't display graphics like Transmit does, but seems mean and lean for the purpose.
Any suggestions from ftp'ers for the best program? I really don't plan to do heavy duty ftp work, but I'm learning and I do get interested in the tech stuff.
MacWorld just did a review of 7 OS X ftp programs, incl. Fetch, SimpleFTP, Transmit, RBrowser, interarchy, FTP Client and CaptainFTP, with a recommendation for Transmit and FTP Client (maybe most strongly for Transmit).
Transmit works ok, but seems clunky. CuteFTP just came out, costs $5 less than Transmit, works easily and is... well, cute. I like Transmit's Sync function and the way it displays running text, incl. nearly every unix line command. CuteFTP seems faster, doesn't display graphics like Transmit does, but seems mean and lean for the purpose.
Any suggestions from ftp'ers for the best program? I really don't plan to do heavy duty ftp work, but I'm learning and I do get interested in the tech stuff.