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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 14, 2003
New Zealand
Hi Sometimes I need to FTP from a Mac with no FTP software installed. I am used to doing this through IE on winodes and tried doing the same with Safari.

Logged in and it mounted the FTP drive in the finder - browsed and download fine. When I try to drag a file and write I get the "ftp.xxxxx.xx cannot be modified" error. Same log in as IE / Dreamwaver etc with no problems. Any ideas?
Craigy said:
Hi Sometimes I need to FTP from a Mac with no FTP software installed. I am used to doing this through IE on winodes and tried doing the same with Safari.

Logged in and it mounted the FTP drive in the finder - browsed and download fine. When I try to drag a file and write I get the "ftp.xxxxx.xx cannot be modified" error. Same log in as IE / Dreamwaver etc with no problems. Any ideas?
It is a well-known fact that the Finder's FTP Desktop mounting feature does not allow uploading. You can, however, use Interarchy, Fetch, NetFinder, or any of the FTP clients mentioned above by others.

I recommend Fetch. It nice and simple and works well. BTW, if you happen to be in education or Not-For-Profit, you can qualify to download it for free if I recall correctly. (Otherwise the $25 USD is not bad either if it something you are going to use alot)
Interarchy is great too, I forgot about it. But it cost money.
musicpyrite said:
OS X already has an FTP client: Terminal

Really, it's not that hard using the Terminal... :rolleyes:

Funny, not sure how you can get a directory and all the files/directories inside it without a shell script :rolleyes: . The GUIed clients are just easier to use.
kingjr3 said:
Funny, not sure how you can get a directory and all the files/directories inside it without a shell script :rolleyes: . The GUIed clients are just easier to use.
After starting the ftp command, type help at the ftp prompt to get a list of commands supported by the ftp command. Surely one of those will give you what you want.
The point was that musicpyrites response was implying that the command line ftp program is all you need, I simply pointed out a known limitation. SCP is nice, but has nothing to do with FTP on a non-secure connection. mget is the closet you will get, but it will not traverse directories, it will only get all the files in a directory.
I found an Applescript that will ftp a file (or possibly a folder of files) to a particular site. I will see if I can find it again. I haven't had much chance to play with it, but it sounds pretty nice if you need to upload to the same place a lot. Just drag and drop. Then you can use Finder to view the ftp site and download. If you use a lot of ftp stuff though, I reccomend Transmit. Very nice program.
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