kb@MacRumors said:
The info in Terminal for ftp says this:


I can't quite get it to work. I'm not putting any spaces in anywhere.
Don't mean to hi-jack your thread, DarkSilver2. If this is easy, you might want to use Terminal.
I didn't explain my self well enough. Say I want to connect to ftp.apple.com, this is what I would: (see pic below for refrence)
1)type "ftp"
2)type "ftp"
3)type "ftp.apple.com
4)now ftp.apple.com will ask me for my username, I don't have one, so I will type "anonymous"
5)it will ask me for my email address, enter your email address
6)now I am logged in, I want to see all the files in this directory, so I type "ls" it now shows me all the possible folders that contain data
7)now I see a directory that I want something from, so to find what is contained in the directory I type "ls Apple_Support_Area"
8)now I see the file I want: "REDIRECT.txt"
9)now I go back to the root directory and type "cd Apple_Support_Area"
10)Just to check that I am in Apple_Support_Area, I type ls, and it shows me the file I want: "REDIRECT.txt"
11)now I type "get REDIRECT.txt"
12)now I begin to download the file, and eventually I get the file
13)to log out of ftp.apple.com all I type is "exit" and then I leave
14)all files you downlad should end up in your Home directory
To somebody who doesn't know any Unix, this would seem very confusing, so your better off using Safari or Fetch.(and I didn't learn how to do this over night, it took time and patience.)