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There is at least one FTP app in Terminal mode. In Panther's GUI I don't know of any edit: (that come bundeled with Panther). I use Fetch and have had a nice experience with it. It's straight forward and provides drag and drop. Open your domain, then just drag the file onto Fetch and away it goes. Same in reverse. There are "get" and "put" buttons as well if you'd rather do it that way. If I remember correctly, it's about $15 for the application. there's a trial version here.

If you know any Unix, just use the termianl. Type:


once you in, navagite the files and when you find a file you want, type:

"get untitled.txt"

It's really easy using the terminal.
Or, in Finder, select Go.. Connect To Server.
type ftp://hostname.

EDIT: I just tried to upload using Finder's FTP connection, and it doesn't let you, even if logging in.

For an FTP program, besides Finder, I recommend Transmit. It is free to try, and is the best FTP program I've ever used.

Lee Tom
FTP in Terminal

musicpyrite said:
If you know any Unix, just use the termianl. Type:


once you in, navagite the files and when you find a file you want, type:

"get untitled.txt"

It's really easy using the terminal.

The info in Terminal for ftp says this:


I can't quite get it to work. I'm not putting any spaces in anywhere.


Don't mean to hi-jack your thread, DarkSilver2. If this is easy, you might want to use Terminal.
Feel free to hijack, it is entirely within the question I had originally posed. While the usability of Finder is discussed, however, I would like to know if anyone has had any experience with CuteFTP by GlobalSCAPE. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.
FTP in Terminal

Horrortaxi said:
Transmit is great, Fetch is good, Terminal is effective if you happen to go that way.

Can you give me an example of the code to start a session? I've read the man page and still can't quite figure it.

easiest way is to use:

ftp <hostname>


then when you're in,
open <hostname>

then it will prompt you for username and password. once you're authenticated, you can navigate using normal unix commands. so 'ls' will display file contents, 'cd' will change directories. if you want to view local files, i believe you prefix most commands with an 'l' (for local.) so it would be 'lcd' for changing local dirs. i don't think local 'ls' is available though...

also, when you're in an ftp session, the ? mark and enter will show all available commands. i believe you can do ? <command> to learn more about a certain command as well.

hope that helped!
If you're gonna do FTP, at least do ssh tunneling (sFTP) for security. I use panic's Transmit.

FTP has port negotiation issues when connecting to servers behind translated (even port forwarded) networks. Besides it being insecure. If you want to connect to your mac at home from the road, your best bet is sFTP.
As for how to do it, what federalists said sounds right. I haven't had to ftp through a command line for about 10 years but that sounds about right. Somebody brought up a good point though--if you're going to command line anyway, use ssh. It is more secure and it sounds more badass. If you're badass enough to use the command line, you might as well go all the way. :)
DarkSilver2 said:
Does OS X Panther come with a FTP utility? If not, what FTP program would you all recommend?
The answer to your question is "Yes." Of course, you have standard UNIX commandline FTP. It works as expected. The Finder also has FTP. However, it is download only. Press [Apple]-K to bring up the Connect to Server... dialog box. Type in the URL of the FTP server. The FTP server will mount on your Desktop like any other networked volume. One of the nifty features of Finder FTP is that you don't have to download a file from the server to use it.
javabear90 said:
you have to pay for transmit
$24.95 for an app as good as Transmit is an absolute steal. As Horrortaxi said, it is great in comparison to Fetch which doesn't have a nice OSX look and feel (as well as lacking some features).

Cyberduck is the best I've used; it's easier than command-line interface, it's free (shareware technically, but you can disable the request for money), it's simple, and it works well. Download it from, it's a good program.

Mike LaRiviere
kb@MacRumors said:
The info in Terminal for ftp says this:


I can't quite get it to work. I'm not putting any spaces in anywhere.


Don't mean to hi-jack your thread, DarkSilver2. If this is easy, you might want to use Terminal.

I didn't explain my self well enough. Say I want to connect to, this is what I would: (see pic below for refrence)

1)type "ftp"
2)type "ftp"
3)type "
4)now will ask me for my username, I don't have one, so I will type "anonymous"
5)it will ask me for my email address, enter your email address
6)now I am logged in, I want to see all the files in this directory, so I type "ls" it now shows me all the possible folders that contain data
7)now I see a directory that I want something from, so to find what is contained in the directory I type "ls Apple_Support_Area"
8)now I see the file I want: "REDIRECT.txt"
9)now I go back to the root directory and type "cd Apple_Support_Area"
10)Just to check that I am in Apple_Support_Area, I type ls, and it shows me the file I want: "REDIRECT.txt"
11)now I type "get REDIRECT.txt"
12)now I begin to download the file, and eventually I get the file
13)to log out of all I type is "exit" and then I leave
14)all files you downlad should end up in your Home directory

To somebody who doesn't know any Unix, this would seem very confusing, so your better off using Safari or Fetch.(and I didn't learn how to do this over night, it took time and patience.)


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FTP in Terminal

Musicpyrite, that's perfect. I'm fairly comfortable with Terminal/Unix. Just never figured out how FTP worked. I do a fair amount of transfers and have used Fetch for over a year. I do enjoy learning new Unix commands. I did figure out how to do it through the man page. The command is quite a bit lengthier than yours. All the passwords and user names get put into the first command along with the port # and default directory. I like your way better. Thanks!

kb@MacRumors said:
Musicpyrite, that's perfect. I'm fairly comfortable with Terminal/Unix. Just never figured out how FTP worked. I do a fair amount of transfers and have used Fetch for over a year. I do enjoy learning new Unix commands. I did figure out how to do it through the man page. The command is quite a bit lengthier than yours. All the passwords and user names get put into the first command along with the port # and default directory. I like your way better. Thanks!


Good, always happy to help someone learn more Unix. I know HexMonkey knows quite a bit about Unix and how to work that damed balck window they call 'shell.' :p
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