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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 17, 2002
does anyone know a good freewear or sharewear ftp program. I need to be able to change between binarry and ascii mode, and I need to be able to change the permissions of all files. I used to use smartftp when I was on my pc, windows, a few months ago and now havent been able to find a good ftp program that doesnt crash all the time and also can do all that I need it to do. Been to versiontracker and downloaded a few and either does or just keeps crashing before I can check.
Have you tried RBrowser? I used it before and it wasn't too bad. Don't know the URL, try Googling it
Have you tried NetFinder and Fetch? Check them on VT.

Good luck.


edit: don't forget that OS X can connect to an FTP site by choosing "Connect to Server," under the "Go" menu. this may take care of a lot of your needs.
if you do ftp then you must use transmit, it does everything plus more.
Why don't you skip ftp and go with SCP, it is very secure and will eventually replace ftp.

Try fugu, look for it on version tracker, it is a gui front end to SCP, SFTP, and SSH tunnels. It can do all that you want. If you can SSH to a machine, you can use scp. That includes practically every unix machine out there.
Can you upload files while accessing ftp from OS X? If so, how do you do it? I'm a Transmit user but if I can access ftps without a third party software, then that's worth considering I think.
Originally posted by Nermal
I'm using Fetch, students get it free, I'm not sure how much it costs if you're not a student.
WHAT?!?!? How do students get Fetch for free? Detalis, man, details!

As for my ftp client, it's currently Fugu. Really robust and totally open source. Excellent program all around.
Originally posted by Schiffi
Don't forget to have FTP Access turned on within Sharing under SysPrefs.

You're dreaming mate. That is for running an ftp server. Being a client, all you need is a ftp client like Transmit. The ftp access is only for people connecting to your computer.
GLad I found this thread. I need a decent FTP program as well. Does anyone know if the FTP programs found on the Apple site are worth downloading? (I'm talking from the OSX > Downloads link)
If you're not gonna use ncftp

personally I use ncftp on the command line. But a really nice, free, graphical FTP client is FTPeel. It's purty and easy to use. It's only 1.0 beta, but it's new hotness.
I use ftp command line and "go server" under finder. Both work well. I've tried RBrowser and Transmit, and they are cool, but using Finder is more consistent.

Originally posted by Flynnstone
I use ftp command line and "go server" under finder. Both work well. I've tried RBrowser and Transmit, and they are cool, but using Finder is more consistent.

How do you upload to ftp via finder? I'd really like to know...
Originally posted by wsteineker
WHAT?!?!? How do students get Fetch for free? Detalis, man, details!

From the Fetch website:

"You may apply for a free license to Fetch for the following:

Use by a student or employee of a public or accredited private school, college, university or academy; use by a student or parent engaged in home-schooling; use by volunteers or employees of a tax-exempt charity, to further the work of that charity. Use by government agencies or government research laboratories does not qualify."

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