Honestly, super fluid. No slowdown. Someone just had to leave and restart their Zoom as they've never used the camera before!!!!!!!Happy zooming! No slowdown during it? When I, eh, get bored in a Zoom meeting and browse the Internet a little while Zoom continues in another space on my desktop, Safari in my 2015 MBP feels more sluggish. Fans blasting all the time, anyway, bottom gets hot. How about your MBA bottom temperature at the end of a long Zoom meeting?
They do. I clicked on the settings. The I downloaded one in about 5 seconds, never used one before and it worked perfectly.Thank you for doing this! Would like to ask if you’d have a chance to test if virtual backgrounds on Zoom work?
mine "only" 20-25% per hour, but I got a fresh battery...These are extreme results. My 2015 MBP losses about 35% for one hour of zoom
This is great, thanks. Battery life sounds top notch.finishing the day at the office now:
09.11 to 17.25 (8h14m)
battery went from 100% down to 28%
time breakdown for the office part of the day was:
4h33m Zoom meetings (just closed Zoom for the first time since opening it this morning at 10.00)
3h01m web browsing / MS Office / emails
45m sleep (just closed lid and left the office)
will sleep it until I have a little time to do some work tonight after the family is asleep. not a bad office day overall.
Nah. Most of us have at least 2 computers as some software shows when you're not using the video software as the main screen (WebEx).Thanks for the detail on battery life! In terms of performance during the calls, no slow downs while multi-tasking?