That's too bad. Mine didn't seem to change much. As you can see below, I had more Usage but less Standby.
Wow, I would take your phone to an apple store and get it replaced, that's awful battery life.
I'm actually very pleased with my battery life, I was just noting how it got worse with 5.0.1
5.0.1....y u make things worse?
You realize not all usage is the same, right? Streaming videos or using 3G data uses more battery than talking on the phone (when you have a strong signal) but they both count towards the same amount of "usage". There is absolutely no way you can compare anything unless you do a controlled test which involves performing the EXACT same activities under 5.0 and 5.01.
I'm totally confused on what "usage" actually means. Does the screen need to be on? For example, when I'm listening to music with the screen off, is that "usage"? What about emails that come in, do they count as "usage"?