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Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 20, 2002
I'm sure most here know this, but if you take a lens, and hold it backwards to the lens mount of the camera body, you get a macro lens. Of course, there's no aperture control or autofocus, but you can still get some extreme magnification.

It's fun, but it's hard to hold the lens to the camera while trying to get a good composition and focus manually. (to focus, you have to move the whole camera and lens closer/further to the subject)

I thought it would be way more fun if the lens were attached. So I took the body cap, and drilled/dremeled the center of the cap out:


Then, I superglued the kit lens's super narrow focusing ring to the face of the body cap. That left me with:


After letting the glue cure, I put it onto my 5D.


Voila, macro on the mega-cheap. I wouldn't advise doing this to a nice lens obviously, and this certianly won't replace a proper macro lens, but for those with kit lenses just sitting on a shelf or in a bag, it's a fun way to get some use out of it.

Here's a shot of something that was sitting on my desk, the lens cap to my 85 1.2:



macrumors member
Jun 9, 2007
That's really cool. it would be a great little project for the cra...i mean...kit lenses. ;) It really reminds me of all the tinkering people do with their macs!

I wouldn't advise doing this to a nice lens obviously, and this certianly won't replace a proper macro lens, but for those with kit lenses just sitting on a shelf or in a bag, it's a fun way to get some use out of it.


macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2005
Behind the lens
They make reversal mounts for just about every camera on the market since the beginning.

DIY is always more satisfying though.

Then again, so is a real macro lens!

Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 20, 2002
They make reversal mounts for just about every camera on the market since the beginning.

DIY is always more satisfying though.

Then again, so is a real macro lens!

Yikes, I never even thought to Google it - I just started hacking and drilling away.

Oh well, still fun stuff!


macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2005
Behind the lens
Most definitely.

Any site that deals with Macro photography usually has a section on reversals.

Sometimes a good lens reversed can be almost as good as a decent macro.

Though vignetting and sharpness are problems with reversing along with the others you noted.

Congrats on showing people what human ingenuity can still accomplish.
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