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Ok...i found a code in the jan. 2003 macaddict and wanted to show it to you guys..... open the terminal, and type EXACTLY this.... ls /usr/share/emacs/21.2 (21.1 if you have jag) /lisp/play and press enter. you will get a list of games. then, open a new shell, type emacs , press esc+x and type in any of these!!!!!!! Hours of useless fun!
To clarify, just enter the name without the extension, e.g. "ESC x tetris RETURN". These games are quite well known in the Unix world, especially "doctor" (an implementation of Eliza), but are probably not noticed by most users.

I've been using emacs for years but have used a tiny fraction of its possibilities so far... A friend of mine recently quipped that "emacs is a wonderful operating system, it's just missing a nice text editor" :D
crenz said:
A friend of mine recently quipped that "emacs is a wonderful operating system, it's just missing a nice text editor" :D

back in the days, EMACS was known as the acronym for Eight Megs And Constantly Swapping

btw, did you ever try booting up linux using these args

Hours of fun :)
Palad1 said:
Prêt à tout pour avoir le mot de la fin, depuis 1977.

Must be rather stressful, n'est-ce pas? :p

Anyway, I never tried booting Linux like that -- clever idea. Will try that with Virtual PC. :)
There is a game out there called "Dope Wars" in which you are a drug dealer, you owe some loanshark a boatload of $$$ and you have to "jet" between NYC boroughs in order to buy/sell drugs (anything from coke to ludes) and eventually pay off the guy before he or the cops get you. There is a House of Guns you can visit for heat and you also have the option to "sack your bit--."
Statements will appear on screen like "The Marrakesh Express has landed" and tell you what drugs are available cheap.
Inspector Lee said:
There is a game out there called "Dope Wars" in which you are a drug dealer, you owe some loanshark a boatload of $$$ and you have to "jet" between NYC boroughs in order to buy/sell drugs (anything from coke to ludes) and eventually pay off the guy before he or the cops get you. There is a House of Guns you can visit for heat and you also have the option to "sack your bit--."
Statements will appear on screen like "The Marrakesh Express has landed" and tell you what drugs are available cheap.

i love DopeWars!! :D although it's not quite a Terminal game... :p
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