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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 6, 2007
I saw a post on another forum about this guy who was creating photographs by using different skies and animals he got on a website called myphotoelements and it was really amazing. That said I thought I'd give it a try, too. Here's some of my images -




macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 6, 2007
Thanks everyone. You're right about the second one. The main problem is my Photoshop skills and the fact that I sometimes "create" too quickly. I am just learning PS and sometimes miss the most obvious. I need to teach myself to slow down and look at all the variables before making decisions. Practice make perfect so I'll keep at it until I get it right. :) Thanks again for the comments.

Father Jack

macrumors 68020
Jan 1, 2007
Thanks everyone. You're right about the second one. The main problem is my Photoshop skills and the fact that I sometimes "create" too quickly. I am just learning PS and sometimes miss the most obvious. I need to teach myself to slow down and look at all the variables before making decisions. Practice make perfect so I'll keep at it until I get it right. :) Thanks again for the comments.
Photoshop cannot be mastered in a few weeks or months but keep at it. :)



macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
I agree that the first is better, but I think you may want to make the foreground and background have appear to have the same light source. The foreground looks like it was shot on an overcast day, which makes the dramatic sky a bit less believable.

That said, I certainly don't have the technical ability to even attempt what you're doing. Good work!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 6, 2007
Hey wm,
Thanks for the nice comment.

Per the first and second image. As I mentioned to FJ, I took my time on the first image and worked out the details of the image and everything I put in it. Unfortunately, by the time I got to the second I felt pretty self confident (TOO self confident....LOL) and I rushed through it not paying attention to the details you and others mentioned. I learned a BIG lesson - take your time and do it right. :)


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2005
The first picture is simply amazing :). But if I were you, I would lose the bird. It doesn't really contribute anything, but it does distract.


macrumors 6502
Aug 20, 2004
The first one is definitely awesome. The second one is obviously fake, cause the reflection of the sky doesn't match the sky in the picture, but hey, at first glance most people probably can't tell. Just ask your ma to have a quick look, she probably doesn't notice it.

Edit: no on second thought, it's too fake to be unnoticed :) sorry.


macrumors 65816
Dec 29, 2004
The Wood of Spots, NJ
I saw a post on another forum about this guy who was creating photographs by using different skies and animals he got on a website called myphotoelements and it was really amazing. That said I thought I'd give it a try, too. Here's some of my images -



I suggest you show the original photographs as well- it will give the new images a point of reference and make the new images look that much better.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 6, 2007
Good idea. I don't have the originals in the first few posts. Sorry. I was working on this one last night so I still had the original image. As you can see, the original is boring. To fix it up I changed the sky, the two trees on top of the hill and added some birds landing in the water. Finally, I just increased the color saturation as the original photograph was so washed out.



macrumors 65816
Dec 29, 2004
The Wood of Spots, NJ
Good idea. I don't have the originals in the first few posts. Sorry. I was working on this one last night so I still had the original image. As you can see, the original is boring. To fix it up I changed the sky, the two trees on top of the hill and added some birds landing in the water. Finally, I just increased the color saturation as the original photograph was so washed out.

Now that's what I'm talking about! Those birds look fantastic.


macrumors 601
Jan 8, 2004
Back in the motherland
Good idea. I don't have the originals in the first few posts. Sorry. I was working on this one last night so I still had the original image. As you can see, the original is boring. To fix it up I changed the sky, the two trees on top of the hill and added some birds landing in the water. Finally, I just increased the color saturation as the original photograph was so washed out.

The left tree looks really fake, as it is missing depth. Take that out and it'll look better.

Good stuff though, I love the first pic.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
I don't know how comfortable I am with this. I'm no photo purist; I use Photoshop extensively, and I mess around with skies etc., making them more dramatic or changing colours. However, I only tweak what's already in the image. So if I feel my sky isn't dramatic enough, I use curves and other layers to make it dramatic... but I don't cut and paste elements from other photos. Pretty much everything I do is just a modern equivalent of darkroom technique. This kind of thing, cut and pasting skies and animals, is great for graphic design, where you need an image to look exactly right, but you can't even pretend it's photography.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
I don't know how comfortable I am with this. I'm no photo purist; I use Photoshop extensively, and I mess around with skies etc., making them more dramatic or changing colours. However, I only tweak what's already in the image. So if I feel my sky isn't dramatic enough, I use curves and other layers to make it dramatic... but I don't cut and paste elements from other photos. Pretty much everything I do is just a modern equivalent of darkroom technique. This kind of thing, cut and pasting skies and animals, is great for graphic design, where you need an image to look exactly right, but you can't even pretend it's photography.

I have to sort of agree with that. If you're making montages of your own images, I suppose it's fine. I did look at the site you mentioned, and it's essentially a stock site that sells single elements of photos. I think you'll have a lot more fun learning to make bland subject matter interesting through your own lighting and compositional skills than plopping in an element of a photo you bought online.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 6, 2007
Thank you all for the posts and comments. It's interesting to hear other people ideas and feelings.

I am not purist (as you call it) either. And I, like you, use photohop to enhance my own images as you described you did. I have a ball doing it. I would not trade that opportunity for anything in the world as photography has been my hobby for many years (way before digital images). Where you and I seem to differ is that I will not shut off other creative opportunities using digital photography and prgm's like Photoshop. There is such a HUGE world out there of creative expression using this medium. I am extremely excited to have that opportunity. Since man created paint and canvas the painter has had the opportunity to either paint what he/she sees or create their own version of what they see. And I'm quite sure there were people who saw their "creative rendition" of the scene they painted and scoffed that they "were playing with, and destroying, reality" or "they were cheating" because they painted Spring flowers into an scene they were actually painting in the Summer. And those folks were certainly entitled to their opinion. For me, I'll just continue to take one of my images and create Photoshop magic. Learning to do this has been a breath of fresh air and I'm really not that good at it.......yet. The only limit to what you can create is your imagination and that's very me anyway. :)

FWIW - Here's one my buddy sent to me a few days ago (we've been exchanging our creative efforts by email) . I think it's friggin' awesome. I can't help but be excited at having the opportunity to create this type of image and to live in a country where we are all allowed the freedom of having creative expression.

Oops. Sorry, ya'all. Kinda got carried away. I'll get off my soapbox now. LOL :D Thanks again everyone for taking the time to express your feelings. I'm gonna go take a cold shower now. :)



macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
Thank you all for the posts and comments. It's interesting to hear other people ideas and feelings.

I am not purist (as you call it) either. And I, like you, use photohop to enhance my own images as you described you did. I have a ball doing it. I would not trade that opportunity for anything in the world as photography has been my hobby for many years (way before digital images). Where you and I seem to differ is that I will not shut off other creative opportunities using digital photography and prgm's like Photoshop. There is such a HUGE world out there of creative expression using this medium. I am extremely excited to have that opportunity. Since man created paint and canvas the painter has had the opportunity to either paint what he/she sees or create their own version of what they see. And I'm quite sure there were people who saw their "creative rendition" of the scene they painted and scoffed that they "were playing with, and destroying, reality" or "they were cheating" because they painted Spring flowers into an scene they were actually painting in the Summer. And those folks were certainly entitled to their opinion. For me, I'll just continue to take one of my images and create Photoshop magic. Learning to do this has been a breath of fresh air and I'm really not that good at it.......yet. The only limit to what you can create is your imagination and that's very me anyway. :)

FWIW - Here's one my buddy sent to me a few days ago (we've been exchanging our creative efforts by email) . I think it's friggin' awesome. I can't help but be excited at having the opportunity to create this type of image and to live in a country where we are all allowed the freedom of having creative expression.

I don't think he was saying that you aren't allowed to do this type of stuff, it's just that it's not photography anymore. It's photomanipulation. Different area altogether. I have very, very strong feelings against this type of stuff being presented as photography. It most certainly is not, and should not be treated as such. In THAT case, I would definitely call it cheating. But if the artist has no intention of calling it a photograph, I've got no problem.


Oct 17, 2005
I always thought the following saying was my bible in terms of how much i can edit a photo....

"A photographer uses lies to paint the truth"

No idea where i heard it, wasnt so long ago in fact but it stuck.
I will edit a image to make it as close to how i saw it with my eyes, there are obvious exceptions such as some more artistic renditions i have done such as HDR etc however i try stick to it as a general rule!
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