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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 21, 2021

after the installation of additional audio drives, I assume for some kind of conflict, the function keys on my Macbook Pro 2015 stopped working (i.e. they do "hit" but take different functions from the special brightness/volume adjustments they normally have).

Yes I have checked the Keyboard section, and the "Use function keys as normal function keys" (or whatever that it's called) checkbox is unchecked, yes I have zapped the PRAM and SMC multiple times, yes I have uninstalled the audio device that I assume caused the malfunction, and just to be sure I have wiped the whole HD and reinstalled Big Sur from scratch... To no avail.

Now I assume that in order to solve the problem I have to restore the Macbook from scratch and delete the MacOs Base system from the hard drive: how would I then proceed to a new install of the OS? Does anyone know if this might help? Has anyone been in this same situation?

Looking forward to hearing from you. Best and thanks in advance!



macrumors newbie
Jan 21, 2021
Crazy - I've had the exact same problem occur on the same 2015 model MacBook today!
I've tied the things you have as well - hope someone else has found a solution and shares it.
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