Hi all,
as per objecst i have one basic questions about funtions in my code.
I wrote some private functions in some classes of mine but i don't find a way to store in a variable the return of a function. Somethine like that:
result = [self myPrivateFunction];
where myPrivateFunction is defined like:
- (BOOL) myPrivateFunction: (NSString *) parm1 Parameter1: (NSString *) parm2
as per objecst i have one basic questions about funtions in my code.
I wrote some private functions in some classes of mine but i don't find a way to store in a variable the return of a function. Somethine like that:
result = [self myPrivateFunction];
where myPrivateFunction is defined like:
- (BOOL) myPrivateFunction: (NSString *) parm1 Parameter1: (NSString *) parm2