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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2009
Cupertino, California
China can be a funny place. Everyone's got a cellphone, and dropping a thousand USD on an iPhone 4 is just a part of staying up to date. But a couple days ago I saw something that showed just how popular the iPhone 4 is in Apple's fastest growing market.


I was checking out the new MBP upstairs when I saw an old man in cheap clothes, worn shoes and no socks using an iPhone with the original packaging plastic kept on with packing tape wrapped around to keep it on. He was scrolling through some sort of article.

The cult of Apple stretches its tendrils to every corner of the world. You can pick clothes up off the streets, but you gotta have an iPhone 4!
The man could be a military veteran, or retired high ranking government official. U can never underestimate some random old man in Beijing.
Who cares what people wear? it doesnt tell you who the person really is so even if his clothes arnt "designer" and "expensive" why does it matter?

The CEO of the products you love so much has worn the same damn thing for 10+ years...
I took the post a totally different way. I didn't think the OP was commenting on the persons clothes. Just the fact that he looked "worn down" but he still had an iPhone 4.
I took the post a totally different way. I didn't think the OP was commenting on the persons clothes. Just the fact that he looked "worn down" but he still had an iPhone 4.

Yes but my point is just because some ones appearance is the way it is doesnt mean the person is what you perceive them to be. Taking a picture of something because they have cheap looking clothes but yet have an iPhone 4 seems a bit... lame to me.

And my example of Jobs is, that guy is worth millions he has money yet he wears the same thing all the time... if hes so rich why does he wear the same clothes surely he can afford more? or... maybe hes just likes what he wears and feels comfortable in it. Maybe that old man in the picture above is the same.... maybe he just feels comfortable in what he has. He may not be poor.. just because you believe his appearance is cheap
The way he is dressed doesn't really mean a thing. I have friends that are very fortunate to have a nice pay check at the end of the month, but they dress like they live on the street.
I'm sure you can find all sorts of characters using iPhones...




It shouldn't matter what a person looks like to buy a product or their age or their personality. If someone wants something and can afford it then hey great for them!
Who cares what people wear? it doesnt tell you who the person really is so even if his clothes arnt "designer" and "expensive" why does it matter?

The CEO of the products you love so much has worn the same damn thing for 10+ years...

Another post of valour.

Clothes or the things you have do NOT make WHO you are ... your actions, words, and the people you keep (their actions & words) are who YOU are.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Ah maybe its because we're beyond Technicolour (80's or before),
maybe its because we care MORE about how we look, dress - the presentation,
maybe its because so many front (lie, cheat, swindle - not to be confused with hustling) to make a name for themselves to get a foot in the door. I understand you gotta puff up your chest to get the hottest or sweetest gal ... but to represent yourself continually beyond that first impression. Not worth it.

Suits ... and tie's derived from Military (Tie's are from the scarves of Croatian army's).

Let just leave the realization that iPhone's touch technologies have finally transcended languages and generations in a short span of 4 years.
Looking at the way the Elder Chinese man is dressed actually looks fairly normal for China.

The sandals, the blue suit and the cap are a fairly standard form of dress among the more senior Chinese male citizen.
Just shows how immature you are... just because a person doesn't dress up doesn't mean anything! I love wearing worn out tshirts cause they are comfortable.. does that make me a homeless guy in ur view ? :eek:

(FYI i'm a well to do techie who drives a 2011 merc.. )

My $.02
He's probably rich.

Could be too, i have a customer that dresses in those sorts of cloths that the gent hat in the photo, always scruffy looking and drives this rust bucket of a car which i have had the unfortunate please of riding in one day.

And this dude is a millionaire with a mansion on the beach.
Saw an old Asian man in the SF apple store looking at a site that you could rent other men by the hour. Included in the description of the men were naked pictures, he proceeded to take down the phone numbers of each man on a piece of scratch paper. This man had to be in his late 60s looking at guys in their 20s... best part was that he was on the 27 inch imac and a nicer looking elderly lady was next to him completely oblivious... good stuff at the apple store, or maybe good stuff in SF?

I know picture or it wasn't true, but the last thing that I was thinking about was taking a picture of this...
Just shows how immature you are... just because a person doesn't dress up doesn't mean anything! I love wearing worn out tshirts cause they are comfortable.. does that make me a homeless guy in ur view ? :eek:

(FYI i'm a well to do techie who drives a 2011 merc.. )

My $.02

Immature you say? Is this the Middle School car rider line? ;)
It really doesn't matter how he's dressed. He has an iphone, good for him. Truthfully he could be like the guy in the Remo Williams movie. However these are all stereo types. Not every Asian is a martial artist, and just because you dress in old clothes doesn't mean you're poor. It still would be cool if he was some kind of super secret martial arts secret service guy though.:D
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