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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 21, 2011

I've received my new iMac 5k a couple of days ago, maxed out settings except for a 3TB Fusion Drive. Like mentioned before, some people are complaining about the noise level for the Fusion Drive. I myself believe it's a bit too noticeable when working in a quiet environment. However, my question is as following:

I've read a comment that someone was hearing the Fusion Drive from day one as well, but after 2 weeks it became silent. Now, are saying that "Over time, the system learns how you work, so it tailors management of Fusion Drive to work best for you." Could this mean that "Over time" means that once the system has learned your workflow, it becomes more efficiency and less noisy? Perhaps because the 128GB SSD are taking over the active use of the iMac?

Did anyone get a 3TB Fusion Drive in their 5K iMac and did the sound/noise level in the drive change over time (+weeks)?

Insight would be much appreciated, since I'm currently thinking about returning for a SSD only.
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