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macrumors member
Original poster
May 24, 2012
My fusion drive has died after 3 years. Has it been shown that fusion drives are less reliable than normal drives? All that moving around of files between the SSD and HD adds miles over time. I read that on average drives fail after 3-6 years. Is that a researched figure, or just by thumb? Is there an average life for HD, SSD and fusion?
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macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
Yea that is a researched figure failure rates for HDD's go up markedly after three years and only get worse over the next 3 years, the SSD portion of the drive will probably be fine for 10 years minimum but the main storage is just a normal HDD.

Of course any electronic component can die at any time for no apparent reason that's just the nature of electronics it happens to us all eventually.
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