Hi, i have a really anoying problem were my G4 PowerPC cant go to sleep. It means, when i use the sleep button under apple menu, it goes to sleep and imidiatly wakes up again. (same with powerbutton) That is.. it cannot go to sleep after 9:30PM. I am mostly still behind my mac after 9:30 so every night i have to shut down my Mac ,and since it is rather full of memory and it is not the fastest Mac it takes ages to start up.
Any help would really be appreciated, thanx in advance...
i have: Processor: 400Mhz PowerPC G4 , 25GB storage space, 7 GB left, Memory: 384 MB SDRAM. VGA monitor.

Any help would really be appreciated, thanx in advance...
i have: Processor: 400Mhz PowerPC G4 , 25GB storage space, 7 GB left, Memory: 384 MB SDRAM. VGA monitor.