I'm used to a bit of fan noise when rendering a movie or something like that (with processors set to 'high'), but recently the fans start spinning (mainly when set on high, in fact) for any little thing. two quicktime windows open at the same time, for example, and the machine slows down, so I up the processors and the videos play normally, but the fan noise makes it hard to catch any audio glitches. This did not happen before.
Now, what I'm wondering is if this isn't a video card problem. I recently bought a Dell 2405 and am using the standard GEForce Fx 5200 (standard at time of purchase). I did have the problem, only much less pronounced, when I was using the previous monitor, a 17" Studio Display. But now it is much worse. In fact, if the processors are on high, the fans often start spinning even with basic apps open (mail and firefox or safari).I should add that in addition to the fan noise, the computer seems to be slowing down. I rarely got a beachball until recently.
Any thoughts? Is there a way to test where the strain is coming from?
I have done a permissions repair and all that typical tidying up stuff, BTW.
Thanks for any help!
Now, what I'm wondering is if this isn't a video card problem. I recently bought a Dell 2405 and am using the standard GEForce Fx 5200 (standard at time of purchase). I did have the problem, only much less pronounced, when I was using the previous monitor, a 17" Studio Display. But now it is much worse. In fact, if the processors are on high, the fans often start spinning even with basic apps open (mail and firefox or safari).I should add that in addition to the fan noise, the computer seems to be slowing down. I rarely got a beachball until recently.
Any thoughts? Is there a way to test where the strain is coming from?
I have done a permissions repair and all that typical tidying up stuff, BTW.
Thanks for any help!