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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 15, 2006
I'm going to school for Music production and Audio Engineering, and needless to say, I need a Mac for ProTools.

Now the school said their computers are not going to be upgraded just yet to the new intel chip, and are running g5 processors. Ill be using these and transfering the data via portable HDD to my computer.

My dilemna is coming from if i do get a G5 itll soon be outdated and possibly incompatible with new Mac programs, and thats like flushing 1500-2000$ down the toilet. But if I get the new Mac Pro, it may not be compatible with the ProTools the school is running.

I dont know if all that I said is correct, but what is the best possible solution here?

Please help guys.
probably check on this, but i was under the assumption that ProTools for the intel macs came out in June or July...
Or try to buy a second hand G5. The prices must be falling now that they are not the latest and greatest anymore. Or see if you can get a new one for a lot less in a clearance. A G5 is still a great machine that will last you years and will be compatible for years.
falling said:
My dilemna is coming from if i do get a G5 itll soon be outdated and possibly incompatible with new Mac programsQUOTE]

The G5 definately will not be incompatible with new programs, because you have to keep in mind the amount of people that still use older macs. Just because the Mac Pro came out and many people bought one doesn't mean that there are people who didn't. So if you want a G5, don't hesitate.
eidrunner247 said:
probably check on this, but i was under the assumption that ProTools for the intel macs came out in June or July...

Problem sorted then surely? Are the above applications not Universal then? Obviously if they were you could put up with slightly slower performance unitl full Intel versions are made....

Digidesign is planning on releasing a free updated to ProTools to support the Mac Pro, so compatibility is unlikely to be a problem. I'd say go for a Mac Pro unless you can get a screaming deal on a G5.
Mac Rules said:
I agree completly, as my signature suggests, thats what student loans are there for! lol

I agree, a Mac Pro is worth the possibility of indentured servitude for the rest of you life, as you pay off the student loans -- because you will pay the student loan back, the govt. says so ...

Student loans, now more evil than an IRS debt. :(
falling said:
But if I get the new Mac Pro, it may not be compatible with the ProTools the school is running

Not sure if I'm reading your post correctly, but is one of the things you are worried about the compatability of a song recorded on one system with Pro Tools running on the other?

If so, then there is no issue - the file and data formats will not change, so Pro Tools sessions will be fully interchangeable between a G5, a Mac Pro and even a Windows computer running Pro Tools.
Macpro, i am typeing this on a macpro and i am loving it. I cant wait till new pro aps comes out.
Chaszmyr said:
Digidesign is planning on releasing a free updated to ProTools to support the Mac Pro, so compatibility is unlikely to be a problem. I'd say go for a Mac Pro unless you can get a screaming deal on a G5.

I agree with Chaszmyr 100%- go with the Mac Pro unless you find a super-great deal on a Power Mac G5 for sale. :)
Thanks a lot guys! Thanks for all the advice.

Now $$ is an issue, as I'm not getting a student loan, I'm actually just winging all 20000$ tuition and bills and everything.

For a Pro Tools system, most possibly being used for video games as well, what should I look at as far as # cores, speed, RAM everything? And a $ estimate if its not too much trouble either.

I don't know much as far as how Macs compare to PC's, I'm just switching over right now.

Thanks again!
OK, So my Dad just bought a Mac G5.

Dual 2.7Ghz G5
2.5Gbs RAM
250Gb HDD

$1630 AMR.
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