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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2006
Hi, I'm new. Yes, I did a search, and found lots of info that sort of helps, but I could use a little more, if anyone is so inclined. Please.

My old G4 is starting to go buggy (Classic wouldn't boot the other day, got it fixed; now Apple Mail won't work right; new hard drive a few months ago, doesn't seem to matter...the writing is on the wall I think.)

SO! I'm shopping for a new machine. I visited the Apple store today and of course fell in love with the MacPro. Its like test driving a Ferrari.

But, its $$$$, and I'm not sure I really need it.
I've been advised by others to get a G5 quad withOUT the Intel insides, since I use a lot of Adobe software, and supposedly they're not getting along perfectly...yet.

So here's what I use now: Photoshop, Illustrator, (I have CS with InDesign but haven't installed it yet), Acrobat, Office, Netscape (Composer, to do my website, don't laugh, its simple html text and it works), Mail, Safari. Not much else, really. But I would like to expand my horizons and do some fancier graphics stuff in the future.

What should I get?
Would it be penny wise and pound foolish to go cheaper, not get the MacPro, and be sorry later when its clear its the way to go? Or can I get by with the quad, even WITH the Intel insides? I was set on getting a G5 quad until I walked into the store today and asked about them and the guy goes "We don't sell those anymore." And added something like "since last week". Like they don't even exist anymore, it was funny.

Anyway, sorry for the long message. Just ANY advice at all would be appreciated a lot.

Personally I would go with the Mac Pro. The Quad G5 may have better performance numbers now for Adobe apps but that will end when CS3 et al comes out next year in Universal Binary. I would think that the Mac Pro will be able last longer than the G5, not for CS3 but for CS4 in a couple of years.
First of all you might have been using a g5 in the store. About getting a g5 over intel dont because once the adobe apps are native you will wish you waited and a mac pro running non native apps will not be a downgrade from a g4.
I agree.

If you had to have the absolute TOP performance for a major design firm I might say get a G5. Rosetta doesn't make it THAT slow -- it's probably not much different than your G4. When CS3 comes out....whoa. :D
Thanks - I think

Thanks people for your responses. I really do appreciate all the input.

I WAS using the MacPro in the store. That's all they had! Its like any other Macs don't even exist! (You would think they would be pushing the older models as well just to get rid of the inventory.) The only differences between the machines were the displays, and some were the laptop version. There was one thing with a keyboard. But I digress...

A friend emailed to say she just bought a quad, and is thrilled, so I'm waiting to actually talk to her to see what her thinking was. She does exactly what I do for a living and we use our machines the same way, so we'll see.

I agree with the argument that not going with the Intel thing now might be short sighted. I need to make a decision fast though because this G4 is starting to wig out a bit.

Thanks again for the help everyone!
Go for the MacPro....If money is an issue, opt for the 2 ghz version with 2GB of ram....that should still blow away your G4!

One thing to note, NO CLASSIC SUPPORT on the intels. I see that you mentioned that you were using Classic for something, or at least wanted to use it. Other than that, go for the intel!
What is you G4 speced at?

Get a MacPro no questions.. it will last longer, and with enought RAM it might be as fast as your G4(depending on what chip is in your G4)
My current G4 says its a 450MHZ Power PC G4 with 768 MB SDRAM.

I use Classic to open up my older (2001) version of Office (Word and Excel docs). If I upgraded Office I wouldn't need Classic at all I guess.

ALTHOUGH with my Epson 2200 printer there's one paper setting that will only work with OS9, not X, so that's irritating.

And those are exactly the kinds of little surprises I don't want to have happen if I go with an Intel machine. Like, "oh, it works fine 99% of the time"...but its that 1% that can ruin your day if that's the one thing you really need it to do. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I would LOVE to get the MacPro! I can afford it (what's plastic for, right?), I just don't want to be sorry. But if I can save $$$$ and get a G5, and it will be everything I need, I would still do that.

Still not sure,
Get the mac pro, upgrade your RAM and make sure you put in a 2nd hard drive to use as your scratch disk and you'll be in great shape. Speeds with the Mac Pro with 2.66/1GB RAM are better than a dual 2GHz G5 with 2.5GB RAM in the Photoshop test here. When PS goes universal next year (remember this is a long term investment) speed will jump significantly
illustrator said:
My current G4 says its a 450MHZ Power PC G4 with 768 MB SDRAM.

I use Classic to open up my older (2001) version of Office (Word and Excel docs). If I upgraded Office I wouldn't need Classic at all I guess.

ALTHOUGH with my Epson 2200 printer there's one paper setting that will only work with OS9, not X, so that's irritating.

And those are exactly the kinds of little surprises I don't want to have happen if I go with an Intel machine. Like, "oh, it works fine 99% of the time"...but its that 1% that can ruin your day if that's the one thing you really need it to do. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I would LOVE to get the MacPro! I can afford it (what's plastic for, right?), I just don't want to be sorry. But if I can save $$$$ and get a G5, and it will be everything I need, I would still do that.

Still not sure,

A Mac Pro even running PPC only apps you'd likly feel it being faster
Paula, I'd investigate some benchmark tests of the G5s versus the Mac Pro, they offer some clear stats to look at.

For example, in this thread a Mac Pro clearly outperforms a Dual 2.0GHz PM G5 in some photoshop tests.

I used to run a 1.8GHz Dual G5 and it was plenty fast at Photoshop. If the Mac Pro comfortable beats a 2.0GHz machine, then there's really no worry about Rosetta under a Mac Pro, the machine has the processing power to blow you away with speeds. I'm not sure how it measures up to a Quad G5 in these tests as aI haven't got time to have a look at the mo', but I'd say the comparisons would sway you towards the Mac Pro.

There's also the future proofing, future, native versions of Adobe CS as many people have said and the fact that the Mac Pro is actually better value (and cheaper) than a Quad, it makes for a compelling buy.

With regard to certain settings not being compatible, yes there will be occasions when something doesn't work, but they are often workable.

I say get the Mac Pro. :)
- compatibility for years to come
- upgradeable CPU's
- up to 2 terabytes of storage
- 2 optical drives
-advantage of UB version of upcoming apps and soon to be 'the new standard' for use (PS CS3, next version of office etc)
- if for any reason you need to test windows compatibilities whether in Boot Camp or Parralels, you can
- if for any reason you want to game, you can
- all round performance increase from G5, not to mention outstanding against a G4

yeah.... get a Mac Pro :D
pincho said:
- compatibility for years to come
- upgradeable CPU's
- up to 2 terabytes of storage
- 2 optical drives
-advantage of UB version of upcoming apps and soon to be 'the new standard' for use (PS CS3, next version of office etc)
- if for any reason you need to test windows compatibilities whether in Boot Camp or Parralels, you can
- if for any reason you want to game, you can
- all round performance increase from G5, not to mention outstanding against a G4

yeah.... get a Mac Pro :D

What pincho said, get a Mac Pro! :)
Yea, what they said. Get a Mac Pro.

For now, Photoshop is fater on the G5, however it's still really fast on the Mac Pro, and UB PS will be out Q1 of 2007, and once that's out, the Mac Pro will run PS ALOT faster. So like, it's only 6 months away or so.
I'd say get yourself a Mac Pro for two reasons.

1) Its faster than your G4, and you'd feel PS being quick.

2) Its CHEAPER than a G5 quad. The Mac Pro is $2499 US and the PowerMac G5 Quad is $3299

I think that price difference is the only persuasion you need.
iGary said:

That's a great article. Buying a Quad G5 now, selling it on eBay in a few months and buying an "octo core" Mac Pro does give food for thought, though you'd have to have pretty deep pockets to absorb the inevitable depreciation on the G5 (and the higher original price).

Perhaps if money is no object, go for the G5 now, but the better investment has to be the Mac Pro.
illustrator said:
My current G4 says its a 450MHZ Power PC G4 with 768 MB SDRAM.

I use Classic to open up my older (2001) version of Office (Word and Excel docs). If I upgraded Office I wouldn't need Classic at all I guess.

ALTHOUGH with my Epson 2200 printer there's one paper setting that will only work with OS9, not X, so that's irritating.

And those are exactly the kinds of little surprises I don't want to have happen if I go with an Intel machine. Like, "oh, it works fine 99% of the time"...but its that 1% that can ruin your day if that's the one thing you really need it to do. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I would LOVE to get the MacPro! I can afford it (what's plastic for, right?), I just don't want to be sorry. But if I can save $$$$ and get a G5, and it will be everything I need, I would still do that.

Still not sure,

If you really think your current comp was able of running even OSX at an acceptable speed, the advantage a G5 still has over a MacPro when using Adobe apps will be of no concern to you.;)
MacPro is the future, your ancient G4 is not even fit to run OSX properly, no offence.
The Epson 2200 printer works fine with OSX, you need to consult an expert if there are issues, or just use google, it's very well documented :cool: .
Actually the more I think about "octo core" Mac Pros coming on stream at the same time as CS 3 et al, is really quite a consideration to make.

It could be worth buying a second-hand 2.0GHz G5 (dual core or dual processor) to tide you until these Octo beasts are out. Then, you could make the jump straight to it with the new CS 3.

That really would be an amazing advance.

Can anyone point to the copy of the intel roadmap/articles with details on the octo core chips?

Edit: Here we go. It's quad core chips, so two chips would create an octo core machine.
AlBDamned said:
Actually the more I think about "octo core" Mac Pros coming on stream at the same time as CS 3 et al, is really quite a consideration to make.

It could be worth buying a second-hand 2.0GHz G5 (dual core or dual processor) to tide you until these Octo beasts are out. Then, you could make the jump straight to it with the new CS 3.

That really would be an amazing advance.

Can anyone point to the copy of the intel roadmap/articles with details on the octo core chips?

Edit: Here we go. It's quad core chips, so two chips would create an octo core machine.

Those quad core chips are going to be expensive. I don't think we should expect the to take the place of the current dual cores.
quruli said:
Those quad core chips are going to be expensive. I don't think we should expect the to take the place of the current dual cores.

But that's not to say they won't be used in the Mac Pro. This has been discussed ad infinitum on that thread but if competitors are using these chips, Apple has to look at them too. Price-wise, they could be similar to the $3299 of the Quad G5.

Some food for thought anyway.
Horst said:
If you really think your current comp was able of running even OSX at an acceptable speed, the advantage a G5 still has over a MacPro when using Adobe apps will be of no concern to you.;)
MacPro is the future, your ancient G4 is not even fit to run OSX properly, no offence.
The Epson 2200 printer works fine with OSX, you need to consult an expert if there are issues, or just use google, it's very well documented :cool: .

No offense taken, and I'm not surprised to learn that my 2200/OSX issues are due to my own ineptness, not the machine itself. :~) I've never pretended to be a geek about this stuff! (I draw pictures for a living...I think its amazing that I've managed to get part of my brain to be able to understand ANY of this computer stuff, to be honest.)

So, you've all pretty much convinced me to go with the MacPro. I don't know why I was thinking the G5 quad was cheaper. Hmmm.

I'll up the RAM from what they offer (to 2 gigs maybe) and get a second hard drive.
Now I'm just wondering if I should spring for a new display as well. I'm using an Apple Cinema (I guess that's what they're called...big n' clunky). Although if it will work OK, I can live with it and save another $700 - $1000.

Anyway, THANK YOU people, I really appreciate all the help and advice!!!!!

AlBDamned said:
That's a great article. Buying a Quad G5 now, selling it on eBay in a few months and buying an "octo core" Mac Pro does give food for thought, though you'd have to have pretty deep pockets to absorb the inevitable depreciation on the G5 (and the higher original price).

Perhaps if money is no object, go for the G5 now, but the better investment has to be the Mac Pro.

The only way I would do that is to buy the system from eBay, or perhaps a refurb. But there is no way I would buy a new G5 and hope to recoup a reasonable amount for the system. You could easily lose $500 trying to pull this "deal," which is essentially a 6-8 month rental if BareFeats' prediction is correct.

The Quads are already more expensive then the Mac Pro, and when (if) the "octo core" comes out the Mac Pros will start to appear on eBay. Given that their price is lower to start they are inevitably going to drive down the prices for the Quads.

You've already shown that you hold on to a system for an extended period of time. The Quad G5 is a better computer now, the Mac Pro will be a better computer in the future.
macaddicted said:
The only way I would do that is to buy the system from eBay, or perhaps a refurb. But there is no way I would buy a new G5 and hope to recoup a reasonable amount for the system. You could easily lose $500 trying to pull this "deal," which is essentially a 6-8 month rental if BareFeats' prediction is correct.

The Quads are already more expensive then the Mac Pro, and when (if) the "octo core" comes out the Mac Pros will start to appear on eBay. Given that their price is lower to start they are inevitably going to drive down the prices for the Quads.

Agreed. Buying a G5 Quad for a few months would only be valid if money was no object.

For a lesser model, say a 2005 1.8GHz Dual Processor model, eBay would be a good bet.

macaddicted said:
You've already shown that you hold on to a system for an extended period of time. The Quad G5 is a better computer now, the Mac Pro will be a better computer in the future.

Well put. :)

When all said and done, if you're buying a computer now that you're going to keep for a while, it really has to be the Mac Pro.
I went for it. I just ordered the Mac Pro. It'll be here within the week.

I'll be eating Top Ramen for a while, but I'll be stylin', computer-wise.

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