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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 12, 2002
Nirgendwo in Amerika
Has anyone had any luck compiling GAIM for Mac OS X other than the outdated release available though Fink? If so, how did you do it? Are there any projects out there to make a native OS X port of GAIM?
I run fink out of the unstable tree, which has the current gaim, gtk2, etc.

I keep looking for an OS X native chat client along the lines of gaim, but I keep going back to gaim. Adium is working on incorporating libgaim, but Adium's developer(s) has made some truly bizarre design decisions along the way (example: a buddy list that's nothing but a titlebar when you're not logged in - what was he smoking that day?). A lot will have to change before I can use that program. ;)

I've heard rumors of a OS X native gaim coming down the pike, but that's all it is - rumors. An e-mail to gaim's lead developer went unanswered.
Originally posted by Westside guy
...but Adium's developer(s) has made some truly bizarre design decisions along the way (example: a buddy list that's nothing but a titlebar when you're not logged in - what was he smoking that day?). A lot will have to change before I can use that program. ;)

Isn't that the good thing about adium? It is more minimalistic than Gaim.
gaim for osx

I contacted the developers for GAIM regarding its port to OS X. It has been added to the to-do list, but its like number 0394859348503945830495830498534..... so, not anytime soon. LoL. Wow i extremely dislike Adium, stupid weird menubar.
Originally posted by Bran
Isn't that the good thing about adium? It is more minimalistic than Gaim.

hehe. Well if you want to carry that to its logical extreme - when you're not logged into any service, why don't they just reduce the buddy list window even further to a single floating "close" button (red bubble)? :D After all, when you're not logged in the other buttons are a waste, and you really don't need the title bar either... :rolleyes:
the cool thing about adium is its customizablity...its very customizable

right now its only an alpha so it still needs a bit of work but in my opinion its the best chat client out right now.

it can be extremely minimalistic, which i like a lot,

now if you like bloated programs with buttons and menus galore than find another program, but if you want something that does everything you need simply check out adium
yo FelixDerKater
is Felix your real name?

it's my name too! (notice the xilef at the end of my name, it's felix backwards)

I've never met anyone with my name before...
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