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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 12, 2007
Hi guys,

Is it illegal to make a US account and purchase content from there if you're from the UK? I'd really like to buy HD movies but they aren't available to purchase from the UK store, just rent :(

Is it a grey area or is it flat out illegal? I mean I am buying the content just from a different country.

Thanks for your help guys
Are you using an Apple TV 2? If yes, then you can't purchase from it at all, since it's only a rental box. If you're using the old Apple TV, then doing that will work, as long as you use an American credit card with an American billing address. I believe you can looking around google to see if you can get around that.
You don't really need a US credit card, you can use US iTunes prepaid cards. I know when I made my US account (I'm Canadian) I just used Apple's address :D.

Works like a charm.

I did the same thing to purchase from the Japanese iTunes store.
You don't really need a US credit card, you can use US iTunes prepaid cards. I know when I made my US account (I'm Canadian) I just used Apple's address :D.

Works like a charm.

I did the same thing to purchase from the Japanese iTunes store.

Yeah that's true, as long as you use money/credit from the country you're looking to buy from, then your good to go. You can even use those prepaid mastercards and those work.
It's not illegal, in that you can't be arrested for it. It's against Apple's terms of service, which means that if they were to find out they could cancel your account and you'd lose your credit. But I haven't heard of this happening for otherwise legitimate purchases (different if you buy a gift card that was purchased with a stolen credit card etc).
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm not using Apple TV I just plan on downloading and using on my mac. I may plan on getting Apple TV in the future to watch the movies though.

So if I use a random US address I can can buy using my current UK credit card? Or would I have to buy an iTunes US card off somewhere like eBay US?

Not wanting to be a pain but how illegal/wrong is this? I mean I'm using iTunes in the first place cos I wanna be legit so don't wanna be breaking the law but don't understand the big fuss on being able to buy the HD movies from the US store, I mean I am willing to pay for them!

You cant do this using a UK credit card, as iTunes will compare your address with that of the card. Bar actually being in the US and picking up iTunes gift cards or a pre paid US credit card I'm not sure how you would legally get hold of either of these in the UK.
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