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macrumors G4
Original poster
If you've got a 'Quiet' or a 'Transportation' or both shot that was taken outside the November 2006 Assignment thread period (7-30 November 06), post it in this thread.

If it was taken in that time period, post it in the Assignment thread

Here's one of each

Quiet @ Grace Cathedral in San Francisco

Transportation (admittedly quiet in its current state) from a field on Elba


macrumors 68030
Jun 24, 2004
What was that?

"Grandson of Geysir" not the Icelandic name, but its what they call that particular geysir.

Nice shot Piarco!

Here are my submissions... :)

Cheers Kingsly - nice shots that do get across the feeling of quiet.

Embarrassingly I realised this morning that Motion was last months topic, and should have gone there (it would have been in time too!!!!) and I'd forgotten to put the Quiet shot in I wanted. Harder than I though to get a shot which actually inferes quiet rather than merely bringing back the experience of quiet whilst taking the shot....


macrumors 68030
Jun 24, 2004
Is it? ;) I always associate the sea and waves with noise... calming noise for the most part.

Dang. You're right. Again I got sucked into how if feels to me rather than is...:eek:
Back to the drawing board for my official submission to the assignment!

Once again... excellent job. May I ask what your shooting with?
Are those little ice cubes being washed on shore?

Cheers! Should have added that exif data in:
Nikon D70s
Shutter: 1/500
Aperture: f11.0
Focal Length: 18mm
ISO 200

It's shards of ice that gets washed up - whether its from the sea or the feeder rivers I'm not sure... looks great though! I got rather taken with the contrast between the white foam and black beach:


Anybody else think "guiness"? :D
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