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Only if they sell a new controller. i like the remote, but it's not remotely (no pun intended) capable as a game controller.

iPhones won't cut it, they're too expensive.
You are on a rumor site, I'm not surprised you heard a rumor about that.

But Thanatoast is right, unless the offer an optional controller for the unit, games would be useless and embarrassing. I think it would have to use WiFi to connect because IR would be a pain to try to use.

I'd rather see widgets brought to the AppleTV; like weather, stocks, etc. Take all their basic dashboard widgets/iPhone Apps and make them work for the AppleTV.
They'd have to make a new unit, right? Which will lead to more $$

This thing isn't even powerful enough to run netflix via boxee let alone handle a video game.
:apple:TV can run some games... Emulators, frets on fire, more if you install a full Tiger booter. The Netflix thing is being worked on isn't it?
I still think the widgets would be incredible to have. I don't have cable and I miss being able to toss on the news in the AM and get weather, top stories etc etc.
Oh, I didn't know that there was a choice on boxee's part. My understanding was that ATV just wasn't able to.
last I saw the dev's at boxee were trying to figure out the nvidia gpu's api. Had not gotten it. Apple of course has access to nvidia's api as well as likely the ear of their devs. Its the only reason the atv can play h.264 the way it does with such a weak cpu.
Originally Posted by Sky Blue
i heard a rumor about blu-ray maybe coming to apple tv

Me too, my friend at the apple store told me about that! I'm so pumped!

Sorry, but your friend is just blowing smoke. Apple will not be turning Apple TV into a blu-ray player. Not a chance.
:apple:TV can run some games... Emulators, frets on fire, more if you install a full Tiger booter. The Netflix thing is being worked on isn't it?

Not anymore. There was a recent post on the Boxee blog indicated that there were no longer any plans of bringing netflix to appletv. They were well aware of how apple handles HD content, the technical difficulties go deeper than simply saying Boxee isn't using both processors.
Out of curiosity, how fast is it?

Intel 1ghz Crofton core duo, mated with a Nvidia GeForce Go 7300 with 64mb video ram and 256mb system ram. The specs really aren't as bad as people go on about, its just a media device, but it does seem dated.

The lack of curent and future netflix support by boxee doesn't particularly bother me. My local public library keeps nearly every show I'm interested in on DVD, hundreds of titles on blu-ray, and netflix has largely disappointed me with its available streaming library anyway. I used a trial and viewed shows and films on my 360, but found that the new titles I wanted just weren't available.
I still think the widgets would be incredible to have. I don't have cable and I miss being able to toss on the news in the AM and get weather, top stories etc etc.

You can install couch surfer (see and set the homepage to iGoogle or netvibes (I prefer netvibes) with any widgets on there you want.

Boxee has CNN and other news too...
I would love an app store of some sort (similar to iTunes app store), and yes a new controller.
Apps on ATV

Makes perfect sense to me. Apple already has the App Store for the iPhone, it would be very cool to be able to access it from ATV, and load any of those Apps on the ATV. Then, use an iPhone or iTouch as the remote control.

I know the Apps would have to be updated to support a larger format, but are there any other issues that would stop Apple from allowing this?
I think the potential exists for the appletv to replace cable. Certainly many have succeeded in doing just that, and I think it's in line with Apple's goal for the product. (This is why PVR or blueray functionality will never come - it would cannibalize the very sales they're trying to generate via itunes, et al.)

So - appstore:
- stock tracker app
- weather app
- calendaring app (imagine how that could sync and look useful)
- stream CNN live app
- stream ESPN live app
- poker app

Just off the cuff - I'm sure more ideas are out there to add widget-type apps or custom streamed channels, I've only thought for a few seconds on it, and I'm sure other more creative types could think of other valuable additions to this list.
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