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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2006
hey, i'mt rying to watch videos from gamespot but it says i'm missing some plugin stuff... i think it's for wmv... so can anyone help me with this? thanks
Do you have Flip4Mac installed? This will make it so you can view Windows Media things in QuickTime, and also install the .wmv plug-in's. You can see what plug-in's are installed in Safari by clicking on the Help Menu in Safari and then clicking on installed plug-ins.
i downloaded flip4mac, but it's says it won't work on intel based.. so is there a new version that will support my macbook?
I got smae problem on my MB with most video sites. Every time I try to play a vmw video over a website, it says I miss a plug-in, but it just redirects me to the WMP site, which is not universal. Some people here have showed me links to the Flip4Mac universal beta, but there was no link for downloading it. Only the PPC version... Help please?:confused:
Meaning that there's a Beta version (2.1) floating around the web if you want to look for it. Flip4Mac's website says they're in final beta testing with the universal version and should be release very soon.

Sorry, didn't realize you had an Intel Mac. Windows Media Player for OS X also isn't Intel compatible so you may be screw for a couple of weeks unless you find that beta of Flip4Mac.
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