I was wondering how good running windows games on Parallels is. I know its supposedly almost native speeds, but realitically how well would it work. I have a fully loaded 17" Macbook Pro ,and is it possible to just allocate a huge portion of my computer's resources to Paralles if i wanted good gaming performance? Im not a super hardcore gamer but I really would like to be able to play games like bf2 etc on reasonably high settings. I know bootcamp is probably better for gaming, but somehow i feel less dirty using windows while in osx, then fully using windows
. thanks
I was wondering how good running windows games on Parallels is. I know its supposedly almost native speeds, but realitically how well would it work. I have a fully loaded 17" Macbook Pro ,and is it possible to just allocate a huge portion of my computer's resources to Paralles if i wanted good gaming performance? Im not a super hardcore gamer but I really would like to be able to play games like bf2 etc on reasonably high settings. I know bootcamp is probably better for gaming, but somehow i feel less dirty using windows while in osx, then fully using windows