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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 15, 2003
After installing iLife, I committed the horrible sin of opening iTunes before GarageBand, which I believe is responsible for my current problem. Every time I try to export my song to iTunes, the Classic environment starts up and iTunes 2 from OS 9 opens. Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? I tried reinstalling iLife (multiple times) and starting the applications up in the recommended order, to no avail. I'm running 10.3.0, if that makes a difference.
Worth a try...

Quit both garageband and itunes. (Maybe throw away itunes 2 if you don't use it anymore?"

Go to your users folder, then Library;preferences; ""

Throwing away the plist file will RESET garageband. Open up garageband, then try to export again.

PS...the computer will generate a new plist file automatically.
Re: Worth a try...

Originally posted by appleretailguy
Quit both garageband and itunes. (Maybe throw away itunes 2 if you don't use it anymore?"

Go to your users folder, then Library;preferences; ""

Throwing away the plist file will RESET garageband. Open up garageband, then try to export again.

PS...the computer will generate a new plist file automatically.

Thanks, but I don't think it worked. Deleting iTunes 2 just resulted in nothing happening after GarageBand created the mixdown. Does anyone else have any ideas?
you might be having the same problem i had at first.

the trick is this: in your garageband preferences, you need to set an itunes playlist as your default playlist for where garageband exports songs. if you don't do this, garageband won't do anything when you try to export.

i just created a playlist in itunes called "garageband" and set that as my default playlist in the garageband prefs.

then garageband exported my song into itunes just fine.
that's quite a good one

Good idea, I just got off phone with my apple tech and he suggested that same thing.
Thanks guys for all your advice, though none of it seems to be working... :D

It's not that big a deal though. When I export a song to iTunes, it appears in a folder called "Import" in the music folder. So I can still manually add the song to the iTunes library. Though it would be nice if it did it automatically.
Similar problem ...

I have a similar problem where GB renames the file to "Bounce" and sends it to "iTunes Music" >> "Unknown Artist" >> "Unknown Album"

The first export I did went fine. It went to the default playlist and saved into my personal folder. Everything after that has been "bounced".

Must be a bug. :(
Fender2112 said:
I have a similar problem where GB renames the file to "Bounce" and sends it to "iTunes Music" >> "Unknown Artist" >> "Unknown Album"

The first export I did went fine. It went to the default playlist and saved into my personal folder. Everything after that has been "bounced".

Must be a bug. :(

A weird one tho, I have been using GB for 5 or 6 weeks then all of a sudden yesterday for no reason it started doing this. I hadn't installed any updates recently or anything. I haven't tried deleting the preferences yet. Tho I reckon it sounds like it will work.... hopefully. I gotta say, this is the first "weird PC like" problem I've had in 6 months of having a Mac.

will let you know..
well, none of that worked for me.

But I found the following on the Apple GB forum and it did work!!! :D :D :D

Within your iTunes folder, find the Bounced file in the Import folder.
**Delete the Import folder. (Saving anything important first.)
**Enter or change or verify your GarageBand export preferences in GarageBand -> Preferences -> Export. Tab through the fields to force an update. (Don't know if necessary to tab, but worked for me.)
**Quit GarageBand to force update of export preferences. (Don't know if necessary to quit, but worked for me.)
**Open GarageBand.
**Open your favorite composition.
**File -> Export to iTunes.

If you are lucky, the .aif file should be in iTunes with the iTunes Playlist, Composer Name, and Album Name you gave it in GarageBand export preferences. I was so lucky, it assumed I was also the Artist and filed it in the appropriate iTunes folder.

Many thanks to PowerBook John on the Apple forums
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