GBand & Absynth
Thank's for answer and help
I think I am crazy or blind or i don't know what ...
In lib/Audio/plugin/components I have a file "Absynth 2.bundle" (1,8 mo, absynth 2.04) - When I use GBand, detail of instrument, I still do not see the absynth in the list of detail/generator ... I have try by putting the 2.04 stand alone version (8mo) .. same problem ..
The absynth 2.bundle I speak about above is the Absytn VST I have changed of name and icons.. because I do not have anything else, only or :
absynth 2. vst (1,8mo)
''''''''''''''''''' app (8mo)
My version of GBand is 1.0 (7)- OSX 10.3 french
what can be wrong ? can you send send me by email the file you have put yourself il lib/......./ component